Random question & never thought of it til seeing this post about chills…I get the chills A LOT, sporadically out of no where…which is Normal, for almost everyone, I’m sure.
BUT when it happens, I also babble literally incoherent things that I would even call words, but continues to come out until the chills stop. My boys call it “Mom’s Tourette Language” and think I’m crazy when it happens. We always laugh it off like WTF. This happens multiple times a day and has for YEARS.
I never thought of it as a spiritual gift….just thought it as gibberish that happens when I get the chills because although it sounds like I’m talking in sentences…it’s literally blurting of what sounds like an incoherent language that I can’t suppress (hence the name my boys call it…lol) .
Again…very random to ask this, I know. Any thoughts on this or what I could study up on to learn about this or what it could mean and how to understand this, if it is in fact an ability?
It does not happen when I’m cold at all. Just randomly throughout the day. In private, in public, with my boys, without my boys. All the time.
Wow you have a gift to channel they go in you and relate a message from you. When the chills are gone they moved away for that moment. I can use someone like you to help me do spirit work
This could be something once called “speaking in tongues.” Do you feel anything different other than chills? Perhaps some form of expansion? Have you gotten opinions from a doctor or spiritual leader? Are you aware during the whole experience and remember?
Another possibility to look at is my recent experience. I drank some Mountain Dew in hopes of building energy to finish winterizing the apartment before the coming storm. Woke up in the night with a nasty case of chills for no good reason. I think I was having a reaction to caffeine. Just a thought.
@john1 I brought it this up to my tarot group and we started discussing “light language”…which I’ve only read about or seen on TV. They advised me to try and initiate it myself. I have NEVER tried to channel or initiate the feeling before today because I truly thought it was just a weird thing I did when I get the chills.
So today, I took their advice & I did randomly sit and try to meditate, mentally calling on it to see if I could tap in and there was an immediate response!!! My hands & fingers started tingling cold until they almost cramped up and the only way I could alleviate it was to “make them dance in cursive” for lack of better description….like twirling them to try popping them.
I could “feel” a “husky language” coming up into my throat like it wanted me to “regurgitate” exactly the things I say when I get the chills and say sporadic things!!! That’s the best way I know how to describe it. I’ll be honest…it freaked me out a little bit and I stopped quickly and it felt like I choked it all down.
That was the most intense feeling ever. A little nerve racking. Is this normal??? Someone asked me what the words were or if I could recall them…but they’re not words, at least not that I understand. If I had to spell them out…it would sound like.
“Hum delagun don may senteyum”
More along those lines. I know…. Sounds like WTF. The only way I can explain it is to say the sounds are like the chant from the “Chucky Doll in the Child’s Play” movie. Not trying to make it sound eery…but that is the “language” it sounds like. It is deep, earthy, musky sounding in my voice. My boys pick on my all the time about it since it’s happening more and more and more. We laugh it off, but they think I’m crazy. lol!
Hum delagun don may senteyum or something like that can be old language from very old record times
Long ago people caught on voice recorders in Rome the ancient warriors voices and their language so this makes perfect sense. This might be a spirit from ancient times Lost Civilization even something just to think about.
this stuff I’m studying myself try putting a small protection spell on you and then try another session and have a voice recorder or someone recording you and put captions on. Share your results if you can this would be very good way to identify it
Light language was my first thought too It’s not about the words, but about the energy. I know someone who both speaks and sings light language, and I sometimes do it too in the right state of mind. It’s definitely channeling, and I’ve heard that you can say things in light language that you can’t say in the languages that we’re more used to, and that the information is packed in a very dense way. It’s the kind of thing not to be understood and analyzed by the rational mind, but felt intuitively and resonated with. I think it’s very beautiful
Here’s one lovely example, definitely gives me chills too, twitches, distorted vision, tension and relaxation
(The first couple of minutes are Finnish, another “gibberish” language if you don’t speak it, but I’m sure you’ll notice the difference! )