Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Magick

Thank you for this! Bookmarked so I can keep it as a reference. Great information!


Hmmm. Our dear @starborn has become a dragon with her treasure trove to share!

I found my new favorite:


@starborn thank you very much my sister this came at the right time and became a bookmark :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


Thank you @starborn for working so hard and taking the time to put all this together I’m really grateful for all you do :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Thank you for putting all of this together.

One thing really stood out for me and it was thebidea of finite money. I have used spells for money previously but never considered the idea that an icrease for me could result in a loss for someone else.

It raises the idea of whether I truly needed that extra money I asked for or whether I just wanted it to feel a bit more comfortable, buy something that I fancied or do some home improvement(my Taurus Sun and 2nd house in Cancer showing there). It would certainly make me think more about the moral aspects of my practice before carrying it out.


:laughing: I like this image. I didn’t consider that dragons don’t have to hoard! :dragon: :coin: I like the image of them not. :smile:

Well, there’s a lot to unpack. It’s easy to worry about accidentally taking money from the poor, but most of the world’s money is tied up in the top 10%.

Personally, I think money’s meant to flow, like energy, not be hoarded, either literally or via the ownership of a 10th luxury home or 10th luxury car. So, even if you just want some trinkets, you can keep that money flowing when more comes in. Or if you have aspirations that go beyond just-in-case luxury items – like does anyone really need a 5th house in another country so they don’t have to use a hotel there? – I would argue that you’re not doing anything bad. Especially if we’re mindful of where we spend it.

That’s probably why a lot of people swear off using the big stores, like Amazon, and try to shop small and locally because they’re actually making an impact for people there. I think sometimes, when people talk about themselves doing that, they get scared away by angry people telling them that they’re elitist and virtue signalling, which is really sad. I think if someone can afford to make the choice and wants to, there’s nothing wrong with them doing that and encouraging others to do the same. But at the end of the day, everyone does whatever they believe is within their means, and that’s all that’s ever expected of them, really. I would never condone forcing someone to do something they can’t afford or are morally against, either way it goes.

Anyway, all of this is just my view, and I have biases. I have a lot of ambitions, so I want a lot more than what gets me through the next week. After I help pay off my in-laws’ mortgage, I want to start working towards the pet retirement home I’ve been dreaming of. The idea is that it will be like an animal shelter but for older pets to retire to when their owners can no longer take care of them or when they have no owners.

Old animals can be extremely difficult to find homes for because most people don’t want to buy an animal that won’t live many more years. But those are the animals that need a safe, quiet space the most. It would be great if they could live out their last few years in a lovely, peaceful environment instead of the cages of a shelter or worse.

Yes, there will be a lot of heartbreak in such a place because we will have to be there with these animals when they pass away. But the overall satisfaction of making sure they’re comfortable and not alone in the end will be worth it every time, I think.

Although, I’m sure I’ll end up having a large supply of my own tears to use in magick! :laughing:


This is very interesting. I’ve never requested money. To find work, and have enough to live off, yes, but never wealth. I think it stems from years of travelling with my mum, to different countries, and there were times we had wealth, and then it was gone, but the people around me stayed the same and life was still good even without the wealth, that taught me alot. As a result, for me, my spellwork focuses on asking for wealth on a more family related plane, like, family being safe, having enough for shelter and bills. I’ve never related to the whole Elite system, it feels cold. If I did inherit a load of money, I’d probably buy a shack in Alaska and become a hermit lol :rofl:, I love that whole, away from the city, town life. I know it’s tough, for those that live it, but there seems so much peace in it. Just simple living without all the expectations. I’m waffling, :rofl:.


Wealth is one of those tricky words where we tend to assume it’s about money instantly, but it’s really not. There’s wealth in other things. A wealth of wisdom and knowledge, a wealth of fulfilling experiences, a wealth of wonderful relationships, spiritual wealth, and so on. Many of those are worth aspiring towards. :black_heart:

(Okay, this is kind of me distracting myself from agreeing with you about how I’m so not into the cold Elite system either, because if I start, I won’t be able to stop. :laughing:)

It sounds like years of travelling gave you a wealth of wisdom about the world that’s hard for many people to accumulate otherwise, which is wonderful. Also, having people in your life that stay the same regardless of your social standing, too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m happy for you to have experienced such things. It’s lovely and less common than it should be.

My partner dreams of the mountain life. A place where there’s snow in winter, drier air all year round, and an excuse to have a fireplace. :laughing: I hope we can have it one day, but while I’m a 9-5 office worker, even though I work from home, it’s unlikely to happen for a while yet. :sweat_smile: I need to be somewhat available for excursions to the CBD for now.

Well, that and being near family and friends for now.


Nice, I believe there’s mountains in Melbourne, don’t know how far that is from Sydney. I’m sure you’ll get there, probably at the perfect time in your life, that’s how magic works, I feel. I’ll get my shack, probably in my retirement years, at least I can clear my owns drains :rofl:, had plenty of practice in this country house lol.


You really have a heart of gold, and I love how you have the perfect balance of fire and earth to passionately go for and accomplish things too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This aligns with my beliefs too and it’s making me think… just like in our bodies or with water, when there’s flow, things stay fresh and healthy, and when there’s buildup, things stagnate and start to fester. And with energy buildups, be it magick power, emotion or electricity… they generate tension and are aching to release it. It’s the alchemy of desire. Maybe there’s something to be learned from all this.


It’s “only” a 9-hour drive. (9-hours is a lot for us.) But the Snowy Mountains along the way would be nice. :smile: It’s a mountain range that spans New South Wales and Victoria.

[The Snowy Mountains Is A Year-Round Attraction in Australia | Globetrotting with Goway]

[Things to do in the Snowy Mountains - Alpine Country Holidays]


[Guide to Snowy Mountains, NSW | Wiki Australia]

@TheMuslimWitch Here are some kangaroos, an emu, and a Tasmanian Devil in the snow for you. :smile:


[The True Story Behind Australia's Coldest, Angriest Kangaroos | HuffPost Sustainability]


Oh I love the Tasmania Devil, it’s sooo cute :sparkling_heart:
Do you have honey badgers where you are?


And this isn’t taught enough. :laughing:

I was talking to @Devenne the other day about hydration. And I was telling her how I had to bring 20 minutes worth of research to my friend to convince him to drink 4L of water a day. (Yes, I’m taking the “flow” very literally. :laughing:)

He was avoiding it because he thought having to go to the toilet was annoying. But he was also complaining that he was tired all the time and “had to” keep drinking coffee. I was like, “No, dude, your lips are white and cracked – you are clearly dehydrated af. What colour is your pee?? Here, look at this chart.” :laughing:

It was extra funny because he’s like nine years older than me, and we weren’t close enough for me to really ask that, but I was in problem-solving mode and did not care.

I suppose our first task is education, as it often is. :black_heart:


My father was struggling with some kind of property deal. I kept a bay leaf in his office drawer. And the next day. His two main deal were successful.
As bay leaf brings good luck and prosperity :blush:


None anywhere in this country. :slightly_frowning_face:

The closest we get are wombats with their cube-shaped poop. :sweat_smile:


It’s so cute, though. :laughing: Look at that silly bundle of fur and muscle!


Aww! I’m glad you were able to help him. :smile: :black_heart: That’s lovely of you.


It’s so weird, we were talking about this last night, (see Lucifer and Loki are obviously discussing the things we all think and feel with each other, cuz here we are talking about this now) :rofl:
Anyways, yes we were musing how the whole education system needs a rebuild, here in UK, as it’s not working anymore. Even the teachers who work in it, want a rebuild of it, but noones listening to them. That Elite Class want to hold their wealth, I feel, and stop the flow as @CelestiaMoon says. Yet, it will flow, I think all of it will flow, nothing can stop that. I feel the first dominoe has already been toppled by nature/spirit and we’re in the chaos that will bring a much needed balance or reset. I can view the reset from my Alaskan shack :rofl:, you from your mountains, and where would you like to be @CelestiaMoon ?, If I’m around long enough, or it’ll be from the veil (my daughters promised to get the Ouija and call me :rofl:). I’m going off topic. Lol.


@Kiash Fabulous. Well done :sparkling_heart:


Cute wombat. Where are the honey badgers? I’ve obviously got the wrong country, maybe NZ. I’m going to have to search it up


The ents had the right idea.

Hold on!