I am cleaning out a jar for my moon water that I’m going to collect tonight should I keep the lid on or off any ideas or should I just use the pot that I’m boiling the water in to set it in the middle of the field I’m using with the open top what would be better in collecting
Currently have my water boiling out to be set
It’s usually recommended to collect it in a bowl and then transfer it to a jar later, but I personally like adding a splash to teas and drinks during rituals and tarot readings, and I’d prefer no insects/falling leaves/etc. in it; so I use a jar with a lid to collect Moon energy. As long as the jar is within view of the Moon I think you’ll be okay, but I don’t know if that’s a universal viewpoint.
Thank you for the insight
Same. I’d say lid on. I don’t want bugs lol nope
Ps love that moon dripp. Caught my attention. Dripp dripp
Lol drip drip
I say that if you’re charging water outside, always use a lid. It’ll keep bugs and other debris out of your water. Since you’re boiling the water, it sounds like you plan on consuming the water. That’s an extra checkbox for keeping the lid on the water don’t want any dirt, bugs, or other stuff in your water if you’re gonna drink it.
Thanks @MeganB
You’re welcome!
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