Multiples candel spells in the same day

Hi witches, im a new witch here for the professional ones is it okay to light more than one candle spell a day? Thanks you


Of course you can


Yep, for sure. Just remember to take a break in between, drink some water, and gather your energy for your next one, so that you do not exhaust yourself too much. :black_heart:


I second @starborn what she said. Lots of water before And after practice for protection and balance. As long as you don’t feel like you have expended too much energy why not.?


Hi @salim,

You’ve already got some great advice- I’m seconding what everyone else has already said, casting multiple candles spells (as well as other types of spells) is possible! I’d just be mindful of energy and focus. When we run out of energy or split our attention too many ways, this can weaken the spells.

As long as you’re aware of your energy levels and feel ready for more, then I say cast to your heart’s content! :heart:

Happy casting :sparkles:


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