My First Catch-up Challenge Entries

I couldn’t reply to the Catch-up Challenge thread so I try to post my entries here. I really hope it’s okay, I’m new as a baby and trying my best to learn how this forum works.

My first challenges ever, so bear with me if I don’t present them very well. I’m a bit nervous but also so excited to get to share my experiences with likeminded witches. :hugs: :witch_hat:

Challenge 1: Natural Health & Healing :green_heart:
For my first challenge I choose Natural healing. I got a few chronic illnesses such as EDS and cluster headache and I’m doing everything I can to mitigate the pain and discomfort. I really try to take care of my whole self, mentally and physically. Everything from swimming in hot water, taking prescription medications (that often doesn’t help much anymore), resting, hydrating so on and and so forth.
I started many years ago with essential oils and I found this superb oil combination that took my pain away for a brief moment. I use it nearly everyday (my man usually rubs it in with a nice massage.) This oil blend really complements my other remedies I use and I feel like I can at least manage my illnesses.

These combination of oils contain analgesic properties so it’s great for soothing pain;

  • Wintergreen - Lowers inflammation, reduces muscular and rheumatic pain. It acts like a numbing agent, similar to cortisone.
  • Peppermint - Helps with headache, muscle aches and joint pain. It soothes inflammation, irritation and itchiness on skin.
  • Black Seed - Helps increase the growth of healthy cells
  • Basil - Has anti-inflammatory benefits, soothes headache and contains anti-fungal and antibacterial qualities.
  • Frankincense (Boswellia serrata) - Helps with arthritis, ulcerative colitis, coughs, sores, wound healing, and asthma to name a few. Boswellia contains chemicals that might decrease swelling and increase the body’s immune response.

Challenge 2: Tea & Infusions :tea:
I love creating my own tea blends. Actually I love creating anything myself and believe me I get so proud when I succeed. When I see my own herbs and plants that I sowed, nurtured and grew. To later harvest them, dry them and then put them in jars for later use. It’s magickal. :consecrate_spell:
My man loves when I make tea myself, he says it tastes much better and they actually help with e.g. sleep and calming. We also have this routine of just sitting down in the evening drinking tea in the sofa and chit-chat about everything. Sometimes I just mix herbs, flowers and plants to see how it will taste and if it has any effect for a specific cause. Sometimes I use the French Press when I add fresh fruits and berries into a tea infusion.

As I got a lot of anxiety I usually make this very simple blend:

Lemon balm

Challenge 3: Witch Fashion :witch_hat:
And to top it of with something completely different than green, healing and kitchen magick, I would like to show my own witchy fashion. It’s a little tricky to fully dress like I want to in the climate I live in, but sometimes I choose pretty clothes and freeze my bottom off. :cold_face: It’s impossible to dress for -30°C to -10°C and look fashionable witchy at the same time. I recently moved to Northern parts of Sweden so I’m still trying to figure out how to express myself with witch fashion without compromising comfort and warmth.

Anyway here’s some outfits ideas I’ve worn:

Thank you for this opportunity and blessed be :pink_heart:


Wonderful entry @Nacurro and I love your witchy fashion! :hibiscus: :pink_heart: :witch_pentacle:


Fabulous entries @Nacurro ! I suffer from severe fibromyalgia and fibro migraines. I’m going to try your remedies for my pain and see if I can get some relief without all the narcotics!

I’m also going to try your tea blend to help calm my anxiety when I have to leave my house and go in public.

Your fashions are gorgeous! I’m a jeans and T-shirt girl so love your mystical shirt!


@Nacurro Absolutely beautiful. :sparkling_heart:


Hello @Nacurro,

These entries are awesome! :heart: I empathize that the forum has a bit of a learning curve, and you’re doing great - thank you so much for taking the time to share these beautiful entries. It is always okay to create a new space to share challenge entries! :grinning: :+1:

Wintergreen and peppermint both smell amazing - I bet this blend has a very soothing and healing scent. Thank you for sharing the healing recipe! :herb:

As someone who also deals with regular anxiety, I always appreciate (and am grateful for!) shared recipes - this is a lovely combo of relaxing herbs. A really great tea blend! :teapot: :sparkles:

Look at you rocking those outfits - from fancy and formal, to lovely florals, to a fun witchy casual. Everything looks amazing, you’ve got great style! :witch_hat: :mage: :sparkles:

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful challenge entries, Nacurro - blessed be! :heart:


Wonderful entry @Nacurro :revolving_hearts: :dizzy: :revolving_hearts: :dizzy:


Sorry for the late reply on this post, had a hectic day yesterday. Oh dear, this mercury retrograde is going at me. :smiling_face_with_tear: Today is hopefully a better calmer day.

@crystal59 Thank you for your kind words. I usually go around in yoga leggings/trackies and an oversized t-shirt/cardigans when I’m at home. :pink_heart:

@Mystique Oh no, I feel you. I think fibromyalgia and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes has similarities in pain. Some prescription medications has too much side effects and it’s absolutely horrendous. So the less artificial stuff I use the better, in my opinion. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@tracyS Thanks love :pink_heart:

@BryWisteria Thank you!! iReading all of your replies literally made me smile. Like I genuinely felt appreciation and got tingly butterflies in my belly haha. :butterfly:

Another recommendation for anxiety, not a recipes, are these cards with a guidebook I got home yesterday. I haven’t used them yet but I think there’s a lot of great tips and exercises. Gotta stay ahead of the anxiety bully.

@AIRAM Thank you, efharisto :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Thank you for posting your cards @Nacurro ! I just went on Amazon when I saw them to order them for my daughter and they are 33% off! She suffers so bad from anxiety, I’m sure they will help her!


Anxiety really is a bully! Thankfully, having good coping methods and strategies can do a lot to keep that bully in line (and out of control) :grinning: :+1:

The cards against anxiety look awesome- thank you for the recommendation, Nacurro! :pray: :heart: