(Please excuse the remains of my meditation candle and my Isis devotional candle which extinguished itself at the very end of the candle leaving me a small chunk to release when I finish all of my workings for tonight)
I was experiencing some burnout last night and yesterday so I decided to rest and then tonight I did a spiritual cleansing bath and then did the meditation for the moon in Libra and placed my offering to Frigga in my offering tray before beginning this ritual. I’m still waiting on my candle to burn completely down but I should add that I also dressed my candle with manifestation oil and peppermint and laid my petition under the candle holder on top of my pentacle with a piece of green aventurine placed right beside it.
I also took advantage of the first part of the candle burning to write in my journal and do my shadow worksheet and my tarot spread for my shadow self. If, when this candle is finished burning, I’m not too worn out from the energy I put into this spell and my shadow work I intend to do @SilverBear ritual for Moving on from the past
I did also use the energy of the new moon and the sun rise this morning for a healing jar for someone very important to me which I believe went very well
For this particular spell though I used the Spiritual healing devotional prayer to Isis modified slightly slightly to fit the intention for the spell work and ingredients that I placed in my jar and sealed it with the wax from my Isis candle as well as a blue candle for healing and a white candle for cleansing along with tossing a pinch of lavender, chamomile and peppermint onto the wet wax so it would become part of the wax seal)

Blessed be everyone