My new wreath

@antoinette i FINALLY finished my wreath, and shocked my husband in the process. I thought about adding witch’s balls, but i kinda like the simplicity of it as it is. The pentacle is made with white ash limbs that fell in my back yard.


I’m not antoinette :laughing: but this is a beautiful wreath! I love the complimenting colors of the red and white, plus the symbolism of the pentacle being made from a tree in your backyard. It’s gorgeous and you did a wonderful job!


That’s awesome! Very pretty, my dear!


Ohhhhhh it’s beautiful, @Mistress_Of_Herbs- it turned out really nice! The pentacle is a great touch to have in the center, and I think it’s really cool that you made it with branches that were gifted to you by a tree in your yard :tree_of_life: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You’re very talented! Thanks for sharing your lovely wreath- Blessed Yule! :sparkling_heart:


@MeganB i love all of your input. By all means jump in anytime dear one

Thank u my lovely

It was such a treat. My white ash is dead center of my property and over 50 yrs old. As this property used to belong to his grandparents, gary remembers that tree when he was little. And hes 45 now. Adjacent to that tree is my crabapple (the tree of Avalon) theres alot of power in my yard. Im very blessed.

Many Yuletide blessings to u all


Looks marvi!!! So question? When I made my pentacle it took forever. My craft room always turns into a hot mess when im working the stuff from outside. Anyways yah… its was a pain getting everything to line up right. Did you have any troubles assembling it?


The trees he grew up with continue to watch over him and his family- that is really beautiful! And knowing the story makes the tree’s gift for your wreath all the more magickal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yuletide blessings and light to you too! :heart::candle:


@antoinette at first i did bc i was going to wrap it. Now that was a pain. But its hot glued together in alot of places. Then i used bread ties to attach it to the wreath.

Ive never been a crafty person. I didnt even decorate my home, thats all hubby. This was my first attempt to be crafty. Shocking my husband was just a bonus. He has a plan wreath outside that in thinking of making witch’s balls on it.


@BryWisteria having this property back in his family is a true blessing. This property has changed hands over the yrs. Gary has always wanted it but never thought he could afford it. Hes funny, he calls me his discount sugar momma. But i pay all of the household bills. His paychecks were just extra, which is what was able to get my new car. Now i dont know what to do. Just kinda stuck. Luckily my dad has offered to continue to aid us if needed. So thats one less thing to worry about for now.


You never cease to amaze me for how strong you are, Christeena :heart: And I’m glad your dad has your back while you and Gary are passing through the tough time- I’m saying my prayers for you and I hope it all works out in positive ways! :people_hugging: :two_hearts:

Love and Light to both of you! :candle::sparkles:


Awwwwwwww @BryWisteria u are gonna make me cry. Thank u for the love, compassion, and unending support.


You deserve it all and then some more, Christeena! :people_hugging: :heart:

Much love and blessed be :sparkles:


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