So tonight, I asked my ancestors to give me insight into the next chapter of my life, as next year I will have lived 6 decades!
What is interesting is that although I shuffled well, I drew all Wands. I really thought I shuffled well, but maybe I did not!
Anyway, I was struck by how aptly the cards seemed to “answer” the questions.
I used the Safe Passage Spread from Agatha All Along.
1. “I am…” 9 of Wands. A dedicated, persevering person.
2. “What’s missing”…8 of Wands - change will come, and quickly, maybe a move to a new home or area
3. “Path Behind”…7 of Wands: a fight, a struggle.
4. “Path Ahead”… 6 of Wands - Success, victory, appreciation.
5. “Obstacles to overcome”…5 of Wands - a rival or competitors
6. “Windfall”…4 of Wands - happiness within the family, a wedding.
7. “Destination”…3 of Wands - have hope, your future will turn out well, your efforts will pay off.
Really could not ask for better than that. Thank you, ancestors! Samhain Blessings to you all!