Hello, Everyone! I noticed this forum hasn’t been active in some time but I thought I would share what I am currently learning and working on. Well, I am currently preparing for my shadow work during the Winter season which I plan to start in November. I am planning on mixing a combination of Christopher Penczak’s “The Descent of The Goddess” with Michael Mirdad’s “The Seven Initiations On The Spiritual Path” while throwing some of my own elements into the mix.
I personally love Christopher Penczak’s idea of using the Goddess Inanna’s story of death and rebirth in the underworld and then ascending back through the seven gates and how they correlate with the chakras as inspiration. I am planning on starting my shadow work with a ritual that symbolizes my own death metaphorically… working in some kind of herbal black water purification bath to signify that liminal point within the void between death and rebirth.
I know that more than likely this will take longer than I am anticipating but it’s all about the journey right? Anyway, I thought I would share it here since this community is amazing at sharing and supporting everyone’s own unique path.
What a great time of year to begin this work @ashley69! I really like that ritual black water purification bath, I would consider using my well water for that sort of bath — signifying the liminal void b/TW death and rebirth. The book I read this month talked all about this process of rebirth and what happens when we die…. So I’ve been thinking a lot about it this month. I have a shadow journal that I’ve been writing in for over 20 years, lots of stuff there — you’re right about that it’s the journey. Blessed be.
It sounds like you are working on and studying some really amazing topics- thank you for sharing them!
His name sounded Polish so I took a look on his website- it looks like he is an Italian/Polish author who grew up in Massachusetts! This is the second time in a few days I heard about a Polish witchy author from Massachusetts too.
As a witchy Massachusetts girl currently living in Poland, these things keep jumping out at me. Coincidence? I wonder
Will definitely be looking into Penczak’s works- thank you for the recommendation, Ashley!
Everyone else is right – this is totally a great time to start shadow work and delving into the dark recesses of the mind. I haven’t heard of those books before but Penczak is familiar to me. I hope you keep us updated on your journey and how these books help you!
I will definitely be sharing as I go and absolutely check his books… I enjoy his approach to the many topics he talks about. I like how thorough he is and how he has exercises and the long list of resources at the end of each book.
The Book is called Spirited by Rebecca Rosen, I recommend it — it’s definitely worth the read, and it’s quick (1-2 days) unless you’re doing all the exercises.
Greetings! How awesome is this synchronicity!! And most welcome for the recommendation . I am a book and research lover… so I will be happy to share any interesting books and topics I run into.
@jan_TheGreenWitch I snagged this off of Scribd this morning and just finished it up (I am a speed reader) since you recommended it to me yesterday! It was very good and I definitely feel more prepared to do some spirit work! I actually relayed to a lot more things than I anticipated. You were right, it was right up my alley!
YAY, @AileyGrey, I’m happy you were able to find it useful, I know I did even though it was the basics, it gives you perspective and some confidence - Let me know how things progress!!!
I learned that intentions really do go far and if you put all your intention into something it really does work. As the saying goes “say it and it will be”!
Yes, please- feel free to do so, Ashley! It sounds like you come across some very interesting books in your studies- we would be blessed to hear any thoughts and recommendations you’d like to share!
Hi @ashley69!!! Like everyone said, the winter season is such a great time to start shadow work! Shadow work is such a personal journey, and I always encourage others to follow their journey in their own way! I am so glad that you shared this with us and I hope you let us know how it goes! (If not, that is perfectly fine too! It is your choice to share if you want! )
Shadow works is something that I’ve always wanted to do, but I don’t know where to start!
Have we got any course or something where I can learn about it?
We don’t have a specific course on Shadow Work but maybe @Francisco would like to explore that option? I know we have many threads here on Spells8 that explore Shadow Work.