It’s stunning!!! So beautiful, you did a wonderful job with it!!
Wow Thats gorgeous Thank you for sharing
Thank you @Artemisia and @amanda6. There is very little real fire on it. I’m dangerous with real fire.
I noticed. The cotton snow seemed so close to the candles. Good thing you said something. On the whole, it is beautiful!
Thank you Georgia. Fake candles are much safer for me!
That is beautiful! I love the color scheme, and everything really! I mostly use flameless candles too - going back to the days when we had six kittens bouncing around the place and climbing on every surface they could find. I was terrified of them knocking a candle over. Now our cats all snooze most of the day, and never venture to climb on furniture, I’m being brave with a few actual candles.
My hubby used to be a volunteer firefighter, so he has come in handy with some of my fire mishaps in the past.
Sooo beautiful
Thanks Tracy. I love the way it turned out. I sat in front of it for an hour just looking at it.
Look at that magnificence - all the lights, all the colors! This is stunning to see. You have a beautiful altar, @Ostara! May it help you celebrate a wonderful Yule
Thanks Bry!
@Ostara So Beautiful. Wow. Gives me some inspiration
It’s gorgeous @Ostara
Thank you @misty6 and @crystal59!
Such a beautiful altar @Ostara !
Thank you!
That is just stunning. Thanks for sharing it!
Thank you Veronica!
Very beautiful! @Ostara Thanks for sharing!