Mystic Magick Energy ⚡ December 2023

I’ll tuck this into my heart for the day :heart: :bulb: :sparkles:

There really is a lot going on in the celestial heavens this month! A busy holiday season indeed!

That is very exciting- I’m cheering for you and wishing you all the best with your business, Marsha! May it grow and flourish in beautiful ways :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you so much for the wonderful energy reports- they are a blessing! :heart:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: December 19th:UPDATED

Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon:

Moon Phase
~ EarthSky

Galaxy Nebula Portal into the Milky Way

by nogar007, Photoshop Artist and Photographer

On The Energies. . .

Our Sun is aligned with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy, December 19-20. It’s a good time to connect to this magickal galactic energy. The Solstice will occur on the 21st bringing us energies from Orion and also the Pleiades. Expect a lot of energy that you can use for healing, manifesting, and doing activation work.
~Sparks of Divine Light Healing

This entry was posted on December 19, 2023

Hello Magickal Lovlies,

:roll_eyes: I accidentally posted this before I was done! :rofl: I’m so sorry.

With love :heart: always


No worries! It happens to me all the time too :handshake: :joy:

If you’re not able to edit the post anymore, feel free to send me the info and I will add it in! Another option could be to make a new post (and then just delete the old one). I’m happy to help- let me know if you need anything, Marsha! :heart: :blush:


I got alot from the picture, a picture paints a thousand words. :green_heart:


Yess! Let’s all get this! :pray: :sparkles: :black_heart:

Whatever this may be. :laughing:


@marsha I’m going to take advantage of that energy. I’m holding onto some anger and hurt. I’m going to pick a few spells for tomorrow. Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting the energy reports together. It means a lot :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::people_hugging:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: December 21st

Waxing Gibbous Moon :waxing_gibbous_moon:

Moon Phase
~ EarthSky

OVERVIEW - Thursday, December 21st

The Sun :astrology_sun: Enters Capricorn :capricorn: 2023-12-22T03:27:00Z where it will stay until January 20, 2024.

During this cycle, we’re motivated by responsibility, ambition, and respect for law and order. Completion and accomplishment are satisfying during this Sun transit. Capricorn wants tangible results, knows what is feasible, and is most comfortable working within an established framework and known boundaries or limits. Standards, structures, and an appreciation for order are Capricorn themes. Working towards a long-term goal is the most motivating with this influence. ~Cafe Astrology

Have a Magic Winter!
by Lia Selina

And for those in the Southern Hemisphere:
“Happy Magick Summer Solstice!”


O’ winter star, I see your light, wonder glowing.
O’ inner hearth, I sit with you, stillness holding.
O’ sweet mystery, I surrender knowing, trust growing.
O’ deepest dark, I melt with you, enchantment enfolding.
I invoke the magic of the Earth, the wisdom of the ancestors, the breath of the trees.
I invoke the peace of the dark, the potential of the rebirthing light,
and life transforming.
This day and each sacred day.
~Tonja Reichley, Dancing with the Wild

Inspired by Sacred Warrioress Brighid of Kildare

On the energies…

During the Solstice the Wheel of the Year stops turning briefly. You may feel this deeply, or feel guided to stop and rest. This is a major time of planetary and galactic upgrades. The Earth’s chakras activate, activating the Earth and us. Expect a huge influx of energy over the next few weeks. The veil is thin allowing more to pass through. They are all about the healing and activations that we receive. They are also powerful energies for manifesting. This is a time of major heart chakra expansion and heart chakra activations. As we shift into Capricorn Season, we get back on track and focus on our goals over the next few weeks. Capricorn helps us to build towards the long term.

~Sparks of Divine Light Healing

Hello Mystic Lovelies,

I hope you are enjoying the solstice and all this lovely energy that is helping us to become who were always meant to be! So, how do I use this energy? I begin by creating a sacred space, meditating, grounding, and setting my intentions. Then I connect and bring the energy into my body! And that’s when the Magick begins…

With all my love :silver_heart: & Blessings :dizzy: always

P.S. Comments :writing_hand: always appreciated, and I thank you. :pray:

Bry, Thank you so much for the kind offer! :heart:

Tracy, Thank you! I always try to find a picture that kinda fits what I’m feeling… :sparkling_heart:

@starborn :rofl:
I sometimes have visions or hear things but mostly I feel things. I can feel the changes in energy, a person’s energy, the energy of an object, and much more. It doesn’t always translate well into words! And sometimes there are no words to describe what I feel or see. I am an empath, an introvert, painfully shy, and a little crazy too. I have always wanted to be a writer :writing_hand: so there’s that, plus my other issues… I often struggle with what to say!!! I have always wanted to help people, so I became a healer. My goal is just that, to help people, and I had hoped that perhaps, I could do that by sharing my ‘feelings’ and stories. You write so beautifully, Katerina, I would love to hear any suggestions, criticism, advice, or comments you have for me! Thank you in advance, my lovely friend. :revolving_hearts: :hugs:

Thank you for your encouraging comments! I sometimes have trouble finding the time but I do enjoy doing these energy reports! Thank you lovely! :people_hugging: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Love the astrological overview and solstice chant- and goodness! That picture! It’s a new favorite :smiley_cat: :heart: :mage: :snowflake:

Thank you so much for the solstice information and messages- wishing you a very happy, healthy, and blessed solstice, @marsha! :two_hearts: :sun_with_face:


Mystic Magick :dizzy: Energy :zap: December 26th

Waning Gibbous Moon :waning_gibbous_moon:

Moon Phase
~ EarthSky

Happy Cold Moon
Image, Pinterest

OVERVIEW - Thursday, December 26th

Full Moon :full_moon: in Cancer :cancer: 2023-12-27T00:33:00Z

“This phase of the Moon occurs at 4 degrees and 58 minutes of Cancer, opposite the Sun at the same degree of Capricorn, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 1 to 9 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).”

This Full Moon asks us to balance our responsibilities with our relationships. Now is the time to let go of anything keeping you from expressing your feelings, especially if you have been neglecting your relationships.

Hello Lovelies,

Has it been hectic for you too? I have been crazy busy… so much to do and so little motivation and energy to do it! :roll_eyes:

This Full Moon is in Cancer and since the Moon is the ruler of Cancer, the energy is stronger than usual. As the last Full Moon of 2023 aligns with the Pleiades, and Chiron stations direct, we are blessed with magical energy to clear our emotional pain, and also to heal old wounds and trauma.

Stop judging, blaming, and/or shaming. Open your heart and become more understanding, compassionate, and most importantly, step into forgiveness. There’s power in your heart… use it! Let go and forgive yourself!

Please take care of yourself, and take time to nurture your soul! :people_hugging:

With Magickal :dizzy: Energy :zap: always


It has been so foggy here for the last two days, I haven’t seen the moon (or the sun, for that matter!). But I know they are up there, shining down upon us whether we can see them or not :blush:

Wishing everyone a blessed Full Moon in Cancer! :full_moon_with_face: :sparkles:

:raised_hands: :heart:

Love this message and encouragement- I feel a big boost to accomplish things today! Thank you so much, Marsha- I hope you had/are having a wonderful full moon :pray: :two_hearts:

Much love and many blessings!


I’m feeling this energy. It’s a good time to work through and let go of the anger and hurt I’m feeling in regards to my dad. As I’ve been preparing for today’s tea ritual and making lists, I’ve been given the opportunity to write down what I want to let go. It’s allowing me to process those feelings so I can let them go. And this energy is perfect for year’s end! Thank you @marsha :blush: :people_hugging::heart:


I love the full moon :full_moon: even though it was well below freezing, I was outside in the middle of the night under the beautiful moon for maybe 5 to 10 minutes. It was cloudy but I could see the moon shining brightly through the clouds. :heart: Thanks so much, Bry.
With Hugs :hugs: always

Yes, I have been trying to do the same with my mother. In my meditations, I now see her as a small child who needs to be loved and mothered herself. I’m still working through all the emotional trauma. It’s a work in progress! Wishing you the best lovely.
With hugs :people_hugging: always


Love this @marsha . Definitely need to remember all of this. Very helpful.


These words really resonate with me as well. Thank you for sharing this sage advice. :sparkling_heart:


I thought it was just me imagining things, but I feel like I can’t go into social spaces, even online ones, right now, because it feels like there are people ready to jump on others everywhere, and I don’t want any part of that. Maybe there’s some energy stuff going on, or me being physically exhausted is making me extra sensitive. I don’t know.

:people_hugging: Yep. One day at all time. :black_heart:


I feel this too often. It’s easier to type these things spontaneously, but otherwise, spoken and when asked, it’s near impossible. It’s like I get snapped out of the trance I’m in that gives me these things, and the consciousness melts the visage away.

I feel like I’m heading down this path as well. It would be nice if I could make such a difference in people’s lives!

You are too kind! But if my eyes spot anything that I may assist you with, I would be honoured to.

:people_hugging: :black_heart:



Thanks so much for your comments, Katerina :hugs: I have been struggling recently too, feeling lonely… my partner is away, visiting his mother. And to top it off, I drew the Hermit :tarot_card: this morning!!! :roll_eyes: I know what you mean about posting on other sites… Sadly, there is a lot of anger out there! Thankfully we have our Infinite Roots family :tree_of_life: :heart: where we are loved and supported!

If you have anything to add or share, please share it. You have an amazing amount of wisdom, please feel free to post anything you want here! I would love that, especially because I am feeling overwhelmed! There is so little time and too many commitments in my work and home life. I can look in any direction and see something that I need to do :thinking:

Thank you so very much! I will open a new discussion for January 2024 in a few moments, so Bry can close this one. I for one, am so glad that 2023 is over!

With love :silver_heart: and magick :dizzy: always


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