Mystic Magick
December 15 - 31

~ EarthSky

Art by Charlotte Bird, Etsy-CharlottBirdfairies
Enters Aquarius 
Let yourself have some time to dream about your future. This may serve to inspire and motivate you going forward.
in Sagittarius
Square Neptune
in Pisces 
Focus can be difficult to control, and your imagination can take over. This can drain you, and you may want time alone to rest.
Enters Pisces 
Have some compassion for the people you love, and give yourself some compassion too. A gentle hand can be beneficial now.
in Capricorn
Trine Jupiter
in Taurus 
Your big ideas can prove beneficial, and looking at the bright side can help if you’re experiencing some limitations. Try seeing things differently and taking a different approach.
First Quarter Moon
in Pisces 
Let your intuition guide you to what needs to be changed over the next week. This may be more beneficial than letting your mind choose, given the Mercury retrograde, but do keep some logic in mind.
Enters Aries 
There can be extra energy and drive, and you can use this to try and get something moving. Your enthusiasm can go a long way.
in Aries
Square Mercury
in Capricorn 
It can be difficult to focus your mind, and you may be all over the place. Try to give your mind a break.
in Scorpio
Opposite Uranus
in Taurus 
The people in your life may get on your nerves right now, but you likely need to take a beat and make sure you’re listening and being considerate.
in Capricorn
Sextile Saturn
in Pisces 
Focus can be better at the moment, and you can use this to your advantage to set yourself up with a goal or plan.
Enters Taurus 
Slowing things down can help a lot, and you can benefit from getting more time to assess situations and see what would work out best.
Enters Capricorn 
Ambition, direction, and goals can be the main focus during Capricorn season, though with Mercury also retrograde, you may want to focus on old goals and ambitions. Give yourself some time to get on the right path.
in Capricorn
Conjunct Mercury
in Capricorn 
This can be a great time to start something new that you can focus on for the next 6-8 weeks and have the focus you need for it right now.
Retrograde Enters Sagittarius 
Mercury goes backward into Sagittarius for the rest of the retrograde, and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius can make you lazier, prone to excess, and slightly selfish. You may need to work on seeing the big picture, but not so much that you completely ignore the details.
Enters Gemini 
This brings more attention to the Mercury retrograde, and you may need more time to get things done. It can be easy to feel scattered, so try to take it easy on yourself.
in Capricorn
Sextile Saturn
in Pisces 
Focus on what you need to do, and work on making sure you’re getting it done. You can be more disciplined with your time and more focused on your plans.
in Scorpio
Trine Neptune
in Pisces 
Helping others can make you feel good, and you can enjoy being there for the people you care about. This can help you feel closer to them on a spiritual level.
Enters Cancer 
Take care of yourself emotionally, and focus on some of your emotional needs in healthy, positive ways.
Full Moon
in Cancer 
The Cancer Full Moon brings focus to home and family matters, and you can finish up projects at home, resolve issues with those you think of as family, and may prefer to be in the places most comfortable to you.
in Sagittarius
Square Neptune
in Pisces 
Focus may be completely gone, and your head can be stuck in a fog. Try to ground your mind.
in Capricorn
Trine Jupiter
in Taurus 
It can be easier to get more space, and you may prefer to get out on your own and do things in your way. More opportunities may await you.
in Sagittarius
Conjunct Mars
mars in Sagittarius 
Energy can be high, and you may find new, different ways of taking action or the initiative. This can be exciting for you.
in Sagittarius
Square Neptune
in Pisces 
Focusing your energy may be difficult, and you may be uncertain about your next steps, unable to see clearly. Try to give yourself time, get plenty of rest, and work on your intuitive connection.
Enters Leo 
Your heart can be big, and you can be generous with everything you have. You likely want to connect with others and show affection.
in Scorpio
Sextile Pluto
in Capricorn 
Passion and intensity can be strong in relationships, and you can enjoy improving intimacy with others. You may demand more commitment from those you’re closest to and are willing to give it in return.
Enters Sagittarius 
Having adventures with loved ones can be great during Venus in Sagittarius, and you can be more gregarious and open-hearted. You may be less inclined to go for strings and want to maintain some freedom from others.
Direct in Taurus 
Jupiter ends its retrograde in Taurus, which means you can get more opportunities to improve your finances, have better resources, improve stability and security, and be more confident. You can focus more on action instead of being so introspective, though this may not kick in until after Mercury retrograde ends on January 1st.
Enters Virgo 
There can be plenty to focus on, lots of little details to address, and get out of the way before the new year comes. You can sense that things are about to change direction and can work to set up your schedule to be flexible enough to adjust on the fly.
Hello Mystic Travelers,
We have a lot of things going on this month, more than usual. We have also had several energy portals this December including today. The veil is thin and will be until the Solstice. The energy is increasing as we close 2023, helping us to prepare for even more changes coming in 2024.
We also have Mercury retrograde, which gives us a chance to review our choices related to communication. I feel as if I am at a crossroads and I must make some changes. I’m not sure what or how yet, but I feel it coming. I would like to spend more time working on my business and I also want to make some changes to the Energy Reports. If you have any ideas, please let me know, I would love to know what you recommend. Thank you in advance.
With Magickal