Need help, advice to help in anyway

Warm greetings @amy58 :blush:

I completely empathize with the struggle of trying to balance magick and the mundane. When things get busy, it can be really hard to find time for spellwork!

Luckily, magick doesn’t have to be all formal rituals beneath the moonlight (I mean, it can if you want it to, but not all magick requires hours of prepwork and ceremony). There are many ways to weave magick and your beliefs into your everyday life, in subtle yet reassuring ways.

A while back we had a Casual Casting Challenge- I recommend taking a peek at the examples in the challenge as well as all the wonderful entries that were shared by fellow coven members. There are some great methods and tips for bringing magick into your days in small but effective ways! :magic_wand:

Casual Casting Challenge Entries
Spells8 Challenge Witch Casual Informal Magick

@Silverbear has a great video about fun ways to work some quick and easy witchcraft, so I’ll share that here too:

Wishing you all the best with your job, @amy58, and I hope that with time you’re able to find some balance between work and your practice!

Much love and blessed be! :heart: