Negativity, ill intent, and a lot of bad stuff coming at me

@starborn Learning How to Talk to Spirits



Thank you! My stalking your entire history of posts can end for now. :laughing:


@starborn You’re a very nice stalker, and if it’s any consolation I stalk your posts too :rofl:


Hello @honey!

Goodness, I’m so sorry to hear it. It sounds like the job used to be great and perhaps the work itself is, but nasty coworkers can really ruin the whole situation. Being miserable at work isn’t something anyone should have to deal with. Sending hugs your way :people_hugging: :heart:

I can see that the coven has already shared some great advice and suggestions with you! I second what Tracy said about, if possible, quietly keeping your eyes and ears open for another position. It really sounds like you enjoy the work you do, and goodness knows bakers are important. If you can open the door to a new place, the situation will likely be better than what is going on at your current spot.

As for spells, did you see the two freezer spells on the site?

I know you mentioned you don’t have all the ingredients, but I’d say to not worry too much about that. Like Starborn said, things can be substituted with images or something similar. Spells don’t require tools - they are powered by the witch themselves. All you truly need to make magick is already inside you.

When you have a little time and energy, I’d say to give casting the spell in your Inner Temple a try. No tools or ingredients required!

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you can regain your happiness and peace at your work. Wishing you only the best- blessed be! :sparkles:


Welcome @honey I’m a chaos witch from Minnesota. I’m so sorry you are going through all the issues at work. I really have nothing more to add. You have been given many fabulous ideas here already. I would say, being a chaos witch if we don’t have what is asked for in the spell, a picture of the item or something similar that has some of the same properties will work. I have even eliminated items totally from a spell and they have still worked. It’s all in your intent. Hope you find something here to help you. If you can get your hands on a copy of the book Of Blood and Bones, it has some great spells in it that could help you.

Blessed Be


Thank you very much. I heard that, “little voice” inside telling me that it was okay…that as long as my intentions aligned with doing no harm and had the strong backing of, “heart and soul” needed from me. I am slowly but surly learning to listen to this part of me as I know it is a key part of me. After all it is what has lead me to…this place of witchery…lol. And to the place I’m at spiritually…if that’s how ya put it.
Once again, I appreciate you. Your links you sent are very helpful.
Love and Light


I’m glad you brought this up, and I’d like to add to it a little bit :black_heart: Karma in its original context is tied to dharma, which means the natural flow of things. And something like being nasty and violent to others is definitely against that. If needed, using force to stop the bad actor and restore a healthy balance definitely doesn’t give you bad karma. There’s even an expression: “dharma protects those who protect it”. That’s something that’s helped me gain peace with using curses and such, even if I feel that we’re all a single being. We’re not hurting anyone by stopping them from doing harm, we’re doing them and ourselves a favor. They just don’t have the consciousness to see it that way, or they wouldn’t be acting that way in the first place.

I hope you find something that resonates with you and your practice @honey and that will give you peace to work. What your coworkers are doing is not okay and it needs to stop, and you have every right to protect yourself from it, magically and otherwise. :people_hugging: :heart:


I’m happy if I could help, Honey! :blush:

May that wise inner voice of yours continue to help guide you forward and keep you safe on the path - so mote it be!

Wishing you only the best :heart: :candle: :pray: