[NEW LESSON] Orange Magical Properties: Prosperity, Cleansing & Connection

→ Originally published at: Orange Magical Properties: Prosperity, Cleansing & Connection – Spells8

Orange is a fruit commonly enjoyed for its culinary versatility, but it also offers medicinal and spiritual benefits. Its peel, juice, and essential oil are frequently used in rituals and spells, while the fruit itself and its blossoms are valued for their healing and symbolic properties.

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For the Full Post with a grimoire printable, check out Orange Magical Properties on Spells8!


I love using oranges. Orange essential oil is one of my favourites to use and i’ve made candles with them too. For me, the scent just screams fresh and clean. I love orange juice too. I have a shot every morning with orange, ginger, lemon, cinnamon and turmeric to boost my immune system. Never been ill since I started taming them. Strangely, O cannot eat oranges. I cannot stand the stringy texture in my mouth.:rofl:

Thank you for sharing this.

Blessed be
