→ Originally published at: Into The Shadow: Five Tarot Spreads For Deep Shadow Work – Spells8 ←
If you have embarked on a journey of shadow work but need some guidance, look no further than your favorite tarot deck. It is more than a tool for divining the future — tarot can help you delve deep into the darkness of your subconscious mind to meet your Shadow Self face-to-face. Whether you use a tarot spread with pre-determined questions or pull cards based on your intuition, using tarot in your shadow journey can be a deeply revealing experience.
In this post, you will learn how to use five different tarot spreads to help you connect with your Shadow Self as you explore who you are on a deeper level.
Get the Printables!
For the full post with five brand new printable tarot spreads, check out Into the Shadow on Spells8!