[NEW POST] Seeing Through Deception: Spells To Get The Truth

→ Originally published at: Seeing Through Deception: Spells To Get The Truth – Spells8

Everyone wants to be told the truth, but not everyone is truthful. This can present a problem for us as we move through our day. From the cashier at the grocery store to our spouses at home, the truth is important to us! When we are lied to, our trust is broken and we have a harder time connecting to the people around us. As a witch, we can help ensure that the people around us tell us the truth through magick! In this post, we will examine different types of truth spells and a few ingredients associated with truth and honesty. Then, we will go over two truth spells you can use: one for a specific person and one for general use.

Be warned, though! While we all want to know the truth, we are not always prepared for what that truth is. Before you do a truth spell, it is a good idea to consider whether you are prepared for the truth you will hear.

Keep Reading!

Make Them Tell - Truth Spell - Spells8 Printable Thumbnail
A Truth Spell Amulet - Truth Spell - Spells8 Printable Thumbnail

For the full post with loads of information and two new printables, check out Seeing Through Deception on Spells8!


In my youth, my family believed that children didn’t need to be told the truth. When seeing through my mother’s eyes, they have decided that the elderly can’t handle the truth. It always upset me that I didn’t have the information necessary to make wise decisions, so I valued truth more than most around me.

I have been told before in the forum that this isn’t what it’s meant to be used for. It works for me, so I choose to continue to use it and believe the naysayer was having a bad day when she chastized me for using it in my practice.

A few people ask me what I mean when I say I cast upon myself. If I cast upon myself, any consequences return to me automatically so I can more easily learn from what I am doing. I prefer to learn from my mistakes as soon as possible after making them so I can quickly make amends and stop myself from goofing up again. In this vein, I cast truth spells on myself so I can learn and see clearly. These are my values. They don’t have to be followed or believed in by anyone else.

“By the powers of 3x3, help me see, help me see.”

When I cast this upon myself, I am often treated to alternate perspectives from the ones who want to keep things from me. Neighbors walk up to me to share something kept secret by someone else. I find books containing info banned in “polite society.” The internet guides me to hidden items I could use to help in my daily life, spirituality, or some special project.


I think this is a great practice to do if it works for you :blush: It sort of follows the same layout of the amulet spell I created for this post, but instead of using an amulet you’re just using yourself as the amulet, if that makes sense (and I’m understanding you correctly :sweat_smile:)


I think I’m more focused on attracting the truth rather than protecting from lies. Both work toward the same end, though. It’s all good.

I like the idea of being a talisman or amulet.

I’ve been told that I spread my energy too thin at times and should do more amulet work rather than reaching out beyond my own boundaries to draw in the benefits I seek. I think I learned to reach out in my earliest years, since I needed to reach beyond the boundaries of abusers to find any good. When I was forced to stay within the externally imposed boundaries, I had no reason to exist. Thus, the search beyond continues out of habit as well as learned strength.


Yup! That’s exactly the focus of the amulet :blush: If you’re feeling drained of your own energy, since you said others tell you that you spread your energy too thin, an amulet might be just what you need! I’ll be working the amulet spell sometime soon and rather than using a piece of jewelry or something similar, I’ll probably use my glasses for added symbolism.


Excellent idea. Most of us who need eyewear never leave home without. I use to consider it purely something to help me see, but it’s wonderful if I can add a bit of magick.


This is good, I’ve downloaded the grim pages. Thankyou :green_heart:

What a fantastic idea! Perhaps put an :algiz: over each lens or a :thinking: mjolnir oooh this is so logical, how have we missed it :partying_face:


Interesting topic for sure… I’ve always valued truth, and honored both myself and others around me by telling the truth. If I sense there’s something I need to keep to myself (usually to avoid hostile attention), then I’ll simply not speak of it to them. Courts might call that “lie by omission”, but to me it feels very different from making something up, fabricating something that isn’t true. The latter is something that I refuse to do out of principle, and appreciate others for doing the same.

I used to get mad at people if I caught them from a lie, sometimes I still do. I try to forgive them, they always have their reasons, that seem valid to them. Often it feels that people make up lies, because they can’t handle the truth themselves. They don’t need my angry response to strengthen their defenses, instead they might need help processing whatever got them to lie in the first place.

I’ve learned to trust the energy, it’s much more difficult to fake than words are. I’ve learned that there are layers in the energy too… some might be cunning enough to spoof the surface layer, but going deeper things can feel oddly contradictory. Trust is a curious thing too. I can talk with someone even if I don’t trust them. I can even give them a chance to regain some trust. I don’t think we should be too absolute with these things, but it doesn’t mean we need to let people play us over and over again either.


Those are my thoughts, exactly! :clap:

You’re welcome! And those are some great ideas to add on to the amulet for glasses. I’ll make note of them for myself, too!

I think that’s a very good stance to take. Some things are worthy of forgiveness and others aren’t :heart: Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject!


Thank u this is what I have been looking for with my ex husband. He already knows I kno when he is lying and he knows when I kno he’s trying to cover up something cuz he’s afraid of getting caught. But he’s doing a bit better than before. Thank god for the gift I have cuz now my kids have been trying so hard to figure out how I kno things without being there or even seeing it happen. Personally when I was a child growing up I always tried to figure out how my mom knew things I never told her or nothing. Turns out now I have kids and now I understand how she knew before anything was told same with what’s going on without being in the same room or even seeing it. We kept telling my mom she has eyes in the back of her head. Well can say now I have eyes on the back of my head to as well. And I’m thankful for this gift I have cuz it turns out I talked to my mom and all the women have the gift. Turns out after talking more to my mom and my sister in the same room we all found out that my gift is a lot stronger then it should be cuz I have been able to feel things like vibes and all and turns out my sister can’t feel vibes and changes and turns out my mom told me I have a stronger gift cuz mine is connected. I did ask her connected to what and she told me I have to find out soon will be revealed and make all sense. And turns out my sister doesn’t kno what my mom means by this. But honestly I do it means I’m strongly connected to the higher vibes and connection deep to the moon and Mother Nature and connection to things that I found out my mom has very little and my sister has non. That’s why every night since I was little the moon is a calmer Mother Nature calms me more then normal and I have hard times sleeping during the full moon for a few days before during and after a full moon and I sense changes before it even happens. My mom told me that she knew even with my disability I was gonna be this connected and very strongly more then any woman in the family. And why she never told me this is cuz she knew I would get on the right path and get stronger with my gift once I found out and I’m glade I did. And honestly I’m thankful for everything. The bad the good the past and future and present. All of the stuff I went thro is a journey to learn from and it’s been worth it. Line this group u all are amazing and I’m so thankful and so grateful for everyone and this site I’m thankful cuz all of u helped me get better and I’m thankful for all of u guys and everything in my life.