Norse Goddess Hel

Hel… a fun? video as only Ocean Keltoi can do it.

@zuhman - search YouTube for Hel (and the rest of the Norse Pantheon). There are many videos about her.


The goddess Hel. :thinking: Now here’s a little bit of weird. Several times a year I attend a workshop with Andreas Kornevall, a Nordic Master at the college of psychic studies in London via zoom. He takes us through various different forms of rune magic using the energies of Yydrasill. Now Hel has been appearing in the visions of many of his fellow Nordic practioners and students throughout the world, last year and this year, and she’s appeared to me at least 3 times. She also appeared to him when he first started his journey years ago as he was distressed about the environment. When we discussed this, it’s because Hel cares deeply about our planet and how it’s treated, the state of humanity. I’ve not yet accepted her invitation to work with her, but there is sooo much more to her than death. Hel is a goddess of deep feelings and compassion who genuinely wants to help people find themselves and aid them to make the world a better place. What a goddess eh!

Also if you’re interested in

Well Euryonimous maybe someone you’d like to work with. He’s one of the death demons, a gentler one, and they are really wonderful. Here’s 3 posts on demonolatry if that’s where you find yourself.

Demonolatry (Demon/Daemon) Master Post

The Demonolatry Club (Please Read Content Warning) (Part 1)

The Demonolatry Club (Part 2)

And finally, here’s an interview Ivy did with a practicing Death witch.

Skal :clinking_beer_mugs:


Thanks for this, it looks great! I’m watching Heretic right now on Max but I will definitely watch this once it’s done! Thank you!


Just a bit of trivia I recently crossed: Hel was a character in a German silent movie called Metropolis in 1927! No, it has nothing to do with Superman or any of the Marvel characters. She wasn’t portrayed in the best light. It’s a long movie, but if anyone is interested


Oooh a classic. Yep will watch, been a long time. I love old movies. :green_heart:


I’ve been getting into them, lately. It seems like some of the most positive messages came out of movies from the Great American Depression Era.


It was a tough time, they needed hope. Probably why we’re drawn to them today. :green_heart:


I’ve seen parts of the movie but had to look up the synopsis. I’m surprised they portrayed Hel in anything but a negative light. She was maligned by the Judeo-Christians and about that time, she was considered a satanic figure. Maybe that was Lang doing his thing.

I always feel depressed in those movies. They are often tragic. The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men (damn… almost cried in that one). The depression era books that were much later turned into movies had some of that feel but others were ‘Hollywood’. The Sting, any Jimmy Cagney film, etc.


I’m just now delving into later Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Laurel and Hardy. I need some laughter to help clear my lungs. Slapstick can be stressful, but if I see something new to me, it may be worth it. The Thelma and Patty movies weren’t too heavy.

Most of my experience comes from the musicals.


Putting on onion next to you will help clear your lungs. Even eating fried or raw onion helps.


I watched it! Really great information and the guy knew the subject and spoke about it so I could understand. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, if you’re not allergic to it.


I think my daughter embraces that idea. She seems to treat onions as a ‘goto’ for many things. It does stop people from pestering her when she wants to have some quiet. :rofl:


Ugh! Sorry. I sure hope you get better soon :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Thank you, dear.