Not sure what to think

First off I want to say Thank You for this web site. I have grown as a witchy person and I love it.
I have a spiritual coach (fellow witch) and she told me I am doing to much energy (spell) work on a wish that I have. She told me it will never happen. I have never told here anything about how much work I do or the wish I am manifesting. I don’t know if she is just trying to find out what I am doing or what to think. Most of the spell work I have taken from this web site. I am not wishing harm or bad on anyone or anything. Oddly I have read Tarot cards for her and she said I was on point with the reading. Any thoughts?


Curiously emotional reaction I’d say. My intuition says she might have a stake in it one way or another. As always, do what feels right to you. It’s possible that you might have to conceal those specific intentions from your coach, and in general be mindful of her reactions to things. When we look up to someone, it’s often easy to forget that they’re human too.


Unless it’s something that goes against the fundamental laws of physics, like flying on a broom or something, I don’t know why she would say that. Remember, spiritual coaches are human too.


I’m with Celestia and Amethyst - it seems a bit harsh to shut down a wish and say it will never happen. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding? Big wishes often require big work, so perhaps she meant something like magick alone isn’t cutting it, so combine your efforts with mundane actions too? I personally believe magick and mundane methods go hand-in-hand, and yield a much higher chance of success. Just the thoughts of an outsider looking in from afar.

Regardless of what she meant, if you feel your spiritual coach doesn’t have your best intentions in mind or isn’t helping you in the way you need, I’d recommend searching for a new coach. It sounds like you have a pretty solid grasp on your spellwork and are working diligently to manifest it.

Whatever you choose to do from here, I wish you all the best with your spellwork. May the results manifest positively for you :pray: :blush:

Blessed be!


I guess my first question is – are you? If this person is your spiritual coach, you obviously trust them enough to share your practice with and take advice from. If you didn’t say anything about what you’re trying to manifest, it is possible this person is picking up on the energy you’re putting out there.

I believe that sometimes the things we want and try to manifest with spellwork just aren’t in the cards for us. This can be for many different reasons, but our spells won’t always work.

If you have any reason to doubt the intentions behind your spiritual coach, then you should not be working with them. Coaching itself is a relationship that requires trust and honesty. When you add spirituality, witchcraft, and energy into the mix, things can get more complicated.


Totally agree with @CelestiaMoon , @Amethyst and @BryWisteria

On this statement, I just need to say that sometimes we can repeat a spell too often. Could this be what she was meaning? Sometimes the cast and forget way is the best. And like @BryWisteria has said, adding mundane actions to help the spell will give you much better results


I have added what my coach said.
Now let’s work, the task I gave you was to tap into the energy of this deck. What i didnt share is that it would be a dual work, you on your end, me on mine

For the light, the task was to reveal what is within your shadow that needs to be brought up to light, to healing . Ultimately what needs to move out for the new to come.

we will go over these together , but the message of the cards is , it is time to let go . Is time to accept what once was that hasn’t returned and allow the universe to drive you where you are meant to be

The Magician represents your countless efforts to bring something to be, there are things you dont share with me, and that is ok, but it is being revealed that all this is blocking the progress of the fool

The Shadow Side

Spirit is showing you here, exactly where you are, notice the contrast of the swords and wands , you are learning your gifts and although at times it feels as if there is no direction, you are being shaped into what your soul path is taking you. This spread comes with awareness, be aware and cautious of the ego, you are gaining strenght but can be overconfident , this creates unbalance and energy backfires, in both spreads you have a guide, in each spread “she” plays two roles, can you guess which these are ?

I want to encourage you to read the guidance of the book on both spreads I pulled.

We will discuss these next tuesday. For now, continue with your meditations in gratitude for the stillness, and the darkness. The light and the shadow


Was this the part that you interpreted as “it will never happen”? If so… I’m reading it more like “you’ve put in all the effort that you can and it’s still not happening, it’s not the right time and place”.

This… sometimes things need to happen in a set order, sometimes we think we really need one very specific thing, and the Universe surprises us by giving us something even better. When I’m manifesting, I always try to account for that. Our human perspective is very limited, even as witches.


So I manifest getting back with my ex every new and full moon. I do it as if the universe see it is okay not to force anyone. I also manifest a bunch for my Spiritual growth to. I want to keep reminding the universe that us getting back together is a Win - Win - Win. Perhaps my persistence is to much. Its not I do not trust my coach but we have had some ups and downs about canceling meeting recently.


I think you have your answer right here. If you continuously ask for you and your ex to get back together with the understanding that there’s no force, then it isn’t going to work if the other person has zero interest whatsoever. By not forcing this to happen, your spells are working as more of an encouraging nudge rather than willing something to happen. All the encouragement in the world won’t force someone to come back to you. Your coach is right with this – though it will hurt now, it is likely time to move on.


I’m seconding Celestia and Megan on this one! With more context and the meaning of the cards in relation to one another, it looks less like someone shutting down a wish they aren’t privy to, and more of some difficult but well-founded advice.

In the cards, you can see that the universe is recognizing the work you are putting in through the Magician. Your spell is going where it is intended to, so in that sense, it is working. The results aren’t what you were hoping for, because the universe knows that isn’t the path you need to follow right now. This provides conflict and difficulty - shown in the swords in both draws - but ultimately, you are able to see and have the option to acknowledge the path that is being revealed to you.

The cards are a bit hard to read and I’m not familiar with the deck, so forgive me if I missed one, but I do not see a single Cups card in either spread. I’d interpret this to mean that this is not the time to rely on your emotions - but to use your sharp mind and life’s passions/higher goals to help you chart your path forward from here :sword_tarot: :wand_tarot:


I wanted to say THANK YOU! for everyone’s thoughts.


You’re welcome, @TommMaxx2 - blessed be! :sparkles:


Do you do private reading? If I read for myself I get conflicting messages. I don’t want to keep posting cards to get a free reading. I respect your time but I am driving myself nuts over what the card say to me - yes I’m a little bias in my readings too.


I’m not sure if Bry does private readings, but there is Weekend Divination which I do every Friday and Saturday. Also, getting feedback from the community is a good thing, and posting your readings and asking for opinions is always okay!

As an aside, I would caution against trying to read for the same question or situation multiple times without giving things a chance to progress or change. Eventually, the readings will become convoluted and won’t make sense.


I completely empathize - the closer we are to the situation, the higher the emotions around it, and it’s hard for clear meaning to make it through the storm. That being said, knowing that gives us an advantage! And there’s nothing wrong with seeking a second opinion on the cards, or having another reader offer their insights :blush:

While I don’t currently offer personal readings, I do want to second what Megan said - feel free to check out the Weekend Divination thread! Megan is a talented reader. Her draws have a lot of insight - they are a great way to get an unbiased look at the situation.

Seconding this, too! The cards tap into the divine, peering into an ever shifting and developing path. Doing rapid fire readings on the same exact inquiry is kind of like being a kid in the backseat going “mom are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet now?” to the universe. If you can forgive the rather silly analogy, the point is that a series of repeat draws are not going to get someone anything, except perhaps less clear and less empathetic responses from their divine.

As always, wishing you only the best with your readings! Good luck and blessed be, @TommMaxx2 :pray: :sparkles: