Of Goals & Intent - Catch up entry

Hello! This catch up challenge aligns perfectly with my preparation for the next quarter so I felt the “Of Goals & Intent” challenge was a perfect one to select. Added bonus that the new moon is tomorrow and perfect for setting intentions for the next moon cycle.

I use the Full Focus Planner system to keep my ADHD brain organized. It is only a quarter at a time so I don’t get distracted thinking about what is happening 6 months or more in the future. In the front of the planner is a space to set your goals. There are up to 12 spots. While I do set up to 12 goals at the beginning of the year and write all of them on the goal list page, I only fill in the detail pages for the goals I am focusing on in that quarter.

As I’m working on Q3 set up, I have 3 goals that are relative to my practice.

  1. To implement a nightly mediation practice: I will meditate for 10 minutes at 9pm every night at my altar.
  2. To complete the “Green Witch” series by Ann Moura. There are 9 parts to the series. There are four books in the Green Witchcraft series, Green Magic, Tarot for the Green Witch and a set of tarot cards for the green witch, as well as a her personal BoS Grimoire for the Green Witch and Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch. I plan to read the Green Witchcraft series, Mansions of the Moon, and maybe Green Magic.
  3. Improve my psychic skills. After reading “Psychic Witch” by Matt Auryn a few months ago, I have been wanting to add his exercises more consistently into my practices. I still need to iron out my exact plan/ practice schedule but will implement his exercises over the next three months to improve my already existing skills and attempt to build skills I currently “lack.”

In addition to these three goals for the quarter, I have started a Book of Mirrors for me to reflect on my journey. I start each day with my intention and make note of any synchronicities, my oracle pulls, meditation/ dream messages, journal writing, etc. I plan to spend a day every few weeks researching a topic of interest and reflecting on what I learned regarding that topic as well, kinda like a research paper from school. :rofl: This is a new intention/ goal that I added after I passed my Security+ exam, which was a goal. I tend to make/ adjust goals throughout the year as I see fit.

How do you set your goals/ intentions? Do you stick to once a year? Or do you make changes throughout the year?

Challenge Entry

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These are some great goals! I myself make changes through the year depending on what I feel like I’m called to do. For instance I’m thinking of adding calling the elements each morning to my meditation/ritual time.


That’s a good goal! I do call them when doing spells but not meditations/ rituals.


You’ve got three solid (and achievable! A key to goals is setting realistic ones) goals to help guide you forward, and including some reflective work in your Book of Mirrors is a great addition :+1: Journalling and checking in with yourself is a great way to assess progress and help to reroute yourself if you get off track.

Congrats on passing your Security+ exam- one goal to check off the to-do list and celebrate your achievement! :tada:

My big goal-setting time is around New Years, mostly because that’s when it’s all over the news and social media and is at the front of my mind :sweat_smile: I think setting smaller goals and making constant progress is probably a better way to go about it- good for you, Amaris! :raised_hands:

I love to journal about it or do a wish spell- writing the goal on a bay leaf and including it spellwork helps to bring it both to the forefront of my mind and make it seem like it’s something “in my hands” so to say :herb:

Beautiful work with your goal setting, @Amaris_Bane! May everything you seek to achieve be accomplished- I’m cheering for you! :star2:


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