Hi everyone happy Litha/Yule, i have two questions for you guys. Firstly, i put a mulberry a few days back as an offering to Hekate, Gaia and Cernunnos and when i went to take out the old offering and put in one of the new biscuits the offering for Hekate was missing. I thought it must have fallen out but no i can’t find it anywhere inside my little candle house i made for her. Does this mean it was accepted or is there another meaning?
Secondly, the fire ritual for Litha i followed on Spells8 turned green just before i was going to jump over it? Any idea why or if there is a meaning behind it?
I am feeling so empowered for some reason lately even a few days back no joke, i was holding a bag and i thought i bet i can make it swing in any direction i want without moving it. So no joke i did and i kept thinking of the direction i wanted it to swing and it did even when i held my hand completely still.
The scientific meaning of a green flame: A green flame typically indicates that the fuel is burning with a very low level of pollution, producing very little soot and other harmful emissions. It can be produced by any type of fuel, but is most commonly seen when burning natural gas or propane. The green color is due to the presence of certain chemicals, such as barium nitrate, copper, and boric acid, which emit this distinctive color when exposed to high temperatures.
From Heat Arrays
This sounds like a wonderfully magickal solstice for you! I’m so happy!