Offerings for Gaia

In last week’s Who’s Your Deity challenge, I said I hadn’t really connected with a deity, but was drawn to Gaia, being Mother Earth. I wasn’t sure if I could actually call her my deity but last night I couldn’t sleep, so at around 2 am I was doodling around on my phone and found the Which Goddess is Calling to You quiz here in the forum. After doing the quiz, the answer came out to be Gaia, which I am very happy with.

But I do have a question about what offerings to leave for her, and how/where to leave them.

I’m not sure what I would do with Barley, Corn, Honey Cakes, Milk, Rice, as noted on the Spells 8 page about Gaia. But it also says you can choose to follow traditional Greek protocol by leaving her an offering of grains, collecting seeds, maize, and cereals and placing them on the ground outside to give thanks to the goddess.

So, my question is: I typically leave birdseed, including seeds, maize and cereals, out for the birds every day. If I do this in a mindful way, and let Gaia know I am doing it in her honor, would that suffice an offering to her?

Blessed Be :bird:


It absolutely would! I think that’s a great idea. I’m a big fan of offerings that are more than just “give X deity X thing and then let it sit on the altar for X amount of days before removing it and disposing of it” – whew, that was long :laughing: Anyway, I love offerings that honor the deity in ways that make sense. In taking care of your native birds, you are showing Gaia with your actions that you care for her and her inhabitants. I can’t imagine she wouldn’t like that as an offering!


First off, how exciting working with Gaia!! :earth_americas: :green_heart:

I know it can be overwhelming and confusing when you are starting to work with a deity. The most important thing is what feels right to you. It is always helpful to look up others’ suggestions for inspiration but realize that most of the time the items they suggest are either historical or are items that feel right for them. Magick is also flexible enough that there are many ways to substitute items for those you don’t have.

Trust yourself and relax. Choose items that feel right for you and your relationship with your deity. There is no one correct way to honor a deity. Don’t worry that picking the “wrong thing” or offering it in the “wrong way” will offend them. Few are that vengeful or easily offended especially when it comes to sincere offerings. It’s the thought/intention that counts most! :heart:

What’s most important is what feels right for you and your practice.


@MeganB and @Artemisia Thank you both.


You’re welcome :revolving_hearts: I’m glad I could help!


I’m so happy Gaia is calling you! Feeding the birds is a wonderful offering to Gaia. I feel anything you do for the Earth or the environment is honoring Gaia. Something as simple as picking up a piece of litter off the ground or recycling would honor her. You have probably honored her everyday for years without even realizing it! :earth_americas:

A few years ago I was working with Hecate. I wanted to visit a haunted cemetery in Huntsville that I had heard about on you tube. My daughter lived in Huntsville at the time, so the next time we were visiting we took a trip to Demons Road. Part of the cemetery was from the 1800’s, but there were graves that were newer. It was summertime and the grounds keeper had mowed the grass, but the grass clippings were covering the tombstones. I went around brushing the grass clippings off of the tombstones. In my mind I was honoring the dead and honoring Hecate. :headstone:


I think so. Also environmentally safe fertilizer at the base of your favorite tree or plant may work too. Like, adopt a tree or something. I’m sure Gaia would love that!


@Amethyst Great idea - thanks!


You’re welcome! If the tree is in your own backyard you can decorate it and do all sorts of things. Good luck!


Hi @jayne,

I also believe Gaia is my Deity, and like you I was conflicted in what to offer her.

One of the things I decided to do was to buy a terranium, a tiny garden I can keep indoors and hopefully not kill… most plants come to my dwelling to die, I did not inherit my mother’s green fingers lol. But, I’m trying… I’ve planted some seeds in it which I blessed and dedicated to her, and I’m hoping to help them grow; any time I pay attention to them, I’m honouring Her… I hope.

x Blessed Be x


It’s lovely :green_heart:


That’s beautiful Nikki-Phoenix!


How lovely!


Thank you all, I picked it up at the local Sainsbury’s during Christmas season, only £25 :grin:

x Blessed Be x