Ok here and odd one

So randomly the other night. It occured to my daughter and I that at the same time which I don’t think has ever happened we were both doing spell work on different sides of the house. I do everything in the kitchen and she her room. Is there any weird things that can happen if to circles are open near each other? Idk never thought of it before. And thought maybe someone here has some insight

Thanks. Blessed be


What type of magic you twos do?

I just think two different spell work would have two different energies


I wouldn’t think there would be any problems or issues with it. Synchronicities happen. It happens sometimes biologically to women living under the same roof. I don’t see why that couldn’t apply to magick as well.

I would think it would impart a positive effect rather than a negative one unless the spells were intended to do the opposite or counter things.

:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :hekate_wheel: :crescent_moon:


My daughter and I have this happen regularly. She’ll do her spell work in her bedroom, and me, well I do it all over the house, sometimes whilst on the move through the house (it’s a chaos thing, my family’s got used to me muttering as I’m walking around :rofl:), so far so good. What is powerful, is when we do a spell together. You can really feel it when more than one witch is involved :partying_face:


Yeah see I think I have felt it before as well. I mean I’m sure it’s not the first time. She loves making spell jars for herself and friends for luck and courage and protection and all their ADHD. It was funny just all of sudden I got a smell of incense that I wasn’t using haha. And it just made me feel like well at least I know she was safe up there


This makes so much sense. She knows how important it is to me that she only practices white magic to go along with her blossoming wiccan beliefs


Indeed. :sparkles:

Well, I can’t say I’ve experienced this with a witch. But I mean, my partner joining me has been really good for everything we’ve done. They would never call themselves a witch (or wizard?), but we’ll see how things go. If they keep joining me in rituals and spells and getting the intended results out of them, they’re going to have to admit that they’ve become one. :laughing: :black_heart:


Here’s hoping :grin:


I say surprising both with a pentagram necklace and say congratulations your full time witches now


Aww, I love that for you. :black_heart: You must have a nice relationship. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hehehe. Yes. :innocent:

Ya know what… That’s a good idea. :laughing: Any recommendations? They already have a thick silver gangsta chain, so it would have to kind of suit that. :thinking:


Any kind will do ad love to see that chain :smiling_face:


It’s chunky. :smile:


It’s beautiful


Giggle “Partner joining me but would never call themselves a witch or wizard.” I can hear your pillow talk from here. “Hey babe…what do you think about when we…” “SIGILS, duh!” LOL


That sounds about right! :laughing:


Maybe something like this?



Now that is perfect for that chain. I also want that one for myself


I could always ask the shop owner if she does international orders, but the shipping costs would probably be way high… I don’t think she’d tell me where she gets her items, but I have a feeling that you might find something similar (or exactly same) closer to you :black_heart:

I’ve learned that there are international wholesale sites for some of these witchy items. Like this one. You can only register as a business. Explains why we often have so similar items all around the world.


I’ve finally done some searching and found some nice options. They’re not the exact same, but I can try again when I am juggling fewer browser tabs at once. :laughing:

I forgot to mention that I’d already gotten them a protection keyring. It has some little stones on it and a hamsa. I told them it was all to protect them from curses.

They’d been cursed before and it worked exactly as intended, so you can imagine that I initially was worried that they’d be very scared of anything witchy…

But they said that it was very thoughtful of me to try to not only protect them, but actually believe what happened to them. So everything turned out really well. :smile:

They’re still not convinced that a pentagram is for protection and not summoning something you’d see in Paranormal Activity. But we’ll get there, too. :grin:

I’ve asked them if they would also like to join this coven and they said not right now, but maybe in the future. So who knows? Maybe you’ll all have to deal with another new member who happens to be almost exactly like me. :crazy_face:


I have an account with that site