Out of the broom closet!

Most of you know I have been in the broom closet for 3 years, except for.a few.people. My oldest granddaughter made a surprise visit tonight. My living room decorated with my skull collection (halloween right)? My witch room door was open!!! She got an eyefull, because thats way beyond halloween. I was wondering what the strange look on her face was about! This could be bad.


Oh no!

Maybe it’s not all bad, though - maybe it just caught her by surprise and you can have a conversation about it if she brings it up! :heart: I hope everything works out for the best. I know how much of a struggle it can be when you’re “outed” unintentionally!


I’m literally shaking right now. I think I will let it go unless she asks me. No, I rhink I will take her to lunch next weekend and confess, but it’s a family secret. I don’t know at the moment.


Oh no! My advice and take it for what it’s worth :pray:t3: , is to try not to worry about What Ifs. You can’t control what she might have seen, what she thinks about it, what she says to anyone else, and other’s reactions. Focus on what you can control - take a long bath, enjoy something sweet, meditate, and take your mind off this. Don’t do anything now. Sleep on it and know no matter what, it will be alright. :white_heart:


Hmm… I mean, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t know your granddaughter so I can’t say how she would react, but if you’re afraid of what she might say then it might be best to leave it alone unless she says something. She was in your house and you’re an adult - you are free to do what you please in your own home :woman_shrugging: but I agree with Artemisia. Right now, there’s no sense in worrying about it. There’s nothing you can change right now and there’s no sense in worrying about what she’s thinking.

You’ve got my love and hugs! :people_hugging: :heart:


I agree. I would not bring it up. And not talk about it unless she does and even then how old is she? If she is young I would def not worry about it. Explaining may draw unneeded attention if it makes sense. Feel it out


Thanks @Artemisia @MeganB and @Satans_Helper. I’m better now. I’m not going to bring it up.


I understand feelings believe I’m a Gemini LMAO



Just tuned in. Time zone. Hope it all works out lovely :sparkling_heart:

If safety is an issue, I don’t know how it is where you are, Halloween is a great cover, a Disney Haunted House theme.


In this small town, it could be a safety issue. I’m not going to bring it up. It may be rumored that I’m a witch, but I’m definitely not going to put a sign in my front yard.


small towns can be the worst! I live in one too and when that rumor mills gets going… whew!


You never know. This could be the push you needed to come out!!