Peering into 2024 :tarot_card: Collective Tarot Reading

I found this very useful and interesting thankyou for typing this up for us.



Bookmarking for a little later. I’m learning Tarot and this will definitely help me. I have to use my book for all my readings still! I appreciate you doing the collective reading @MeganB. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Devenne – haha you’re welcome :blush: I hope it’s useful for you!

@BlueAngelite – I’m happy to hear that it will help you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: There’s nothing wrong with using the book that comes with the cards for readings, no matter how long you’ve been reading cards. I still use them sometimes, too!


Oddly enough this doesn’t surprise me at all after my 2023. I feel more pulled toward a combination of both, although unsure if it pulls more to one than the other.

Huh, well, this seems like… maybe getting through 2024 using the many endless lessons of my personal 2023 that was quite possibly the Tower Reversed in so many ways :laughing:

Um, yeah, without getting into too much… I’m going to be talking to my cousin about this one, because I feel like at least the section of my year… I’m already well on my way to the distrust of others and that dot that I once had is now a speck.

I also love this for January. I think my mass amounts of cleaning energy and releasing other energy through that cleaning, well really random deep cleaning… Kind of “Ooo, something shiny!” types of distractable things that I wind up elbow deep in cleaning :laughing: I feel like that has been a good way to set up for January! That being said, I plan on making some kind of list or a something that alerts me to things that I want to get done or be able to cross off the things I have in my head that I want to get done… A to do list of sorts but with my family, practice, home… making things flow easier for next year to be able to embrace the Tower and not get caught up in the 2 of Cups Reversed… I really hope that mind ramble made sense :rofl:

Well, my cousin and I have a conversation coming up, although when that will be I have no idea, but probably sometime between today and Sunday :joy:


Idk if you have an android or apple, but I use google calendar. You can color code things, add tasks you can check off, set up recurring events and add the coven calendar! It has cute little pictures too!

I have it on my homescreen too so when I open my phone it’s right there. That’s the 1st picture. 2nd one is when you open it.

You can location and alarms to each event too


I did my tarot reading for 2024 last night! Lots of cards to draw!

My card of the year is the Two of Swords, goal of the year is the Wheel of Fortune (reversed), and the obstacles of the year is The World.

I’m a bit confused how The World could be an obstacle since it’s one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck, but since the Two of Swords represents making difficult decisions, maybe it means I shouldn’t be in denial of the situation where I have to make that difficult decision?

My twelve month outlook seems to be promising a year of creativity, followed by burnout, second guessing myself, healing, and reevaluating what is and isn’t important to me.



Thank you :pray: so much for doing another amazing Tarot reading for 2024. Your reading for 2023 was scarily accurate! :scream: We’ve seen lots of changes this year. It was a challenging year for me, but everything worked out for the best. So, now I am not apprehensive because I know all the upcoming changes are needed! :hugs:

With Tarot :tarot_card: Magick :dizzy: always,


Thank you Megan!


I did mine last night. Still have to go through and interpret the cards. I pulled a lot of swords and more than half the cards were reversed. So far they make sense!


Boy this one strikes home with me already.


haha well, I hope it was a good conversation! :joy: And yes, your mind ramble made sense. There’s a lot going on this year already, and it’s only day three!

It’s always interesting to me when the more positive cards show up in seemingly negative spaces. If you don’t mind, I’d like to offer my thoughts! I’ll put it under a read more just in case you don’t want to read it.

Read more...if you want!

Your goal of the year is represented by the Wheel of Fortune Reversed. When this card is reversed, I see it as breaking cycles and changing the things around you that have held you back. Your obstacle card being The World makes sense, then if you are going to resist that change by needing to see something through to completion. Difficult decisions could be made to leave something behind that you haven’t finished. Leaving loose ends and open situations behind you may not appeal to your sense of pride - you want to finish what you started. However, sometimes it’s better to abandon something that isn’t working for us or isn’t healthy. I hope that makes sense!

You’re very welcome, Marsha! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s always amazing to me how accurate my readings have been for both myself and everyone else :joy: it’s also fun to see how this accuracy manifests, and it’s even fun to see when it doesn’t! I saw in your Mystic Magick Energy :zap: January 2024 that there are even more changes coming in 2024 - this goes well together with my reading, so I have my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: that everything will work out exactly as it’s supposed to!

You’re welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m glad they make sense! A lot of sword cards always makes me cringe :grimacing: because for me, that means I’m all in my head and usually my anxiety will get back :joy: hopefully, your swords and cards being reversed is better for you!

I’m glad to hear it resonates, and I hope it resonates in a good way! :blush:


That actually makes a lot of sense.


I’m happy to hear it makes sense! I hope it’s helpful to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you! I’ve bookmarked this so I can refer back to it throughout the year :spiral_calendar:


You’re welcome, @Kajsa :blush: I also go through right before every month to do a refresh and check in with the new month to correspond with this yearly reading. So, stay tuned! :partying_face:


Sounds kindof scary…eek! I am getting married this year after waiting 4 long years, so…was hoping for a light and easy year, honestly! But hopefully it will be transformative in good ways, too - sounds possible.


Congratulations cheers


Many changes and transformations are coming this year, and getting married :wedding: is one of them! That’s also a new beginning. Congrats :clinking_glasses: on your upcoming wedding :bride_with_veil: @chaitea43


Marriage sounds like a perfect transformation for 2024! :partying_face: :tada: :clap: I’m sure everything will go wonderfully!


Thank you for all the good wishes!