Please help brothers and sisters!

I need help! The last couple of weeks my partner has seemed to have picked up some negative energy and it is consuming the house. He is having a hard time finding his place and his career/job journey. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to work. It’s like since he left his toxic job a few months ago it’s been wall after wall. I want my happy family back. Then we were told our landlord is selling so we have to relocate with little notice. In my area housing is EXPENsIvE! At least it is to people here given our economy. That is just the tip of what has hit us since first the year. It’s like a cluster of bad luck and negativity is just hanging out waiting to bounce.

What can I do? I have blessed and cleansed my home and smudged. I have enchanted bay leaves and have him carrying them in his wallet as well as mine. I am about to make a good luck spell jar but have no lilac and not sure if I can tweak that or not. I just need to breathe and a moment to release tbh!! Please brothers and sisters help me!


I just went through a spell of bad luck recently myself. I honestly felt that the world was caving in on me. I didn’t know how much more I could take. I decided to meditate and ask for guidance. I didn’t get all the answers right away but the message i did receive was that I wasn’t grounded. I went into my backyard, sat on a log and took my shoes off. I played a 5 minute guided meditation from YouTube and it was amazing! While meditating i heard the call of not one but 2 owls ( i thought this to be odd since owls are nocturnal so being the google queen I googled the meaning. Apparently to hear an owl during the day is a blessing. I would definitely recommend grounding, meditation and look for positive and messages. Maybe it is time for you to move to a new location and all of you “bad luck” is actually the universe trying to tell you that your time there is done.


Thank you! I do admit I haven’t felt balanced and off. some days I seem more in tune to the offset. I actually told my husband the other morning that something is off in the universe and I feel that is the key to not being able to handle all this and leaving us “exposed” to the negativity. I may go out to one of the parks today and take a deep walk. I just feel so off. And if my full intention isn’t there then everything I am doing is in vain. Do you know of any good energy cleansing or clearing methods? I have a few but am fishing for alternative ideas. And again thank you!
Stay blessed! :high_brightness:


That’s a lot happening at once - I’m not surprised you feel off! There’s also a lot going on in the world, so I first want to let you know that you’re not alone with this :heart: There are many people experiencing similar things to you due to the economy and the state of the world we’re in right now.

@kimberly57 has offered some great advice in regard to meditation and grounding. This is one of the first ways to sort of “get your mind right” before moving forward. I think it’s also important to have a mental reset so you can maybe see things from a fresh perspective.

On top of grounding and meditating, I would suggest doing some divination as well if you have access to that. A simple tarot or oracle reading can help clear up some confusion or give you some potential answers. We have a few spreads on the site that might help you, and I have one on my own site as well.

Besides what you’ve already tried, there are a few different methods. Again, I have a video on my YouTube channel that talks about some smokeless methods. These are things like sound, energy, and room sprays.

I know you’re going through a rough time right now :heart: I wish you all the best and I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts :pray: :sparkles:


@dorian1 I have been through similar situations with life, family, jobs, & home in the past. I had to learn to focus on the present & what I could do & control. I completely understand how hard that can be when it seems like a landslide of things coming your way.

I would suggest first maybe… a cleansing bath/shower to sort of release negativity & tension.

If you are able or even if you need to substitute some ingredients we have a relaxing bath salt recipe:

We also have spells specifically for spiritual cleanses/baths to reduce stress, bring peace & clarity, & also cleanse the energies:

I would maybe do a grounding meditation after that or even a Karmic Balance & Protection meditation

Also, look through our protection & good luck spell collection, there are ones for personal, home, & your path protection, good luck on your path, road opener & job spells… all under the same collection. Start simple then work from there, so maybe home & personal? I would look through them & choose what feels right for you & your family.

Spells for Protection & Good Luck

Another good thing to try is free writing in a journal about all the things that are swirling in your mind. Whatever pops into your head, just write it down… then you can release it & kind of work on things within your control one at a time instead of having them all there at the same time & feeling off balance & like you don’t know what to do first. :people_hugging:

I hope that you are able to work through this & we are all here for you. We can also add you to the Energy Exchange where other members can offer healing & positive energy for you while things get sorted out. Just let us know & we can get you added to the list :hugs:


@dorian1 you’ve gotten some good advice. I’m gonna try to give you some more. First of all, Awake Nation on YouTube has wonderful music that can cleanse your aura and that of your home. That might help. As might these two spells:

I’ve had to move in a hurry too, so much so that I was still packing when they came in to start stripping the place. I hope you find a better place for yourself and your family. Try to look at it as a new start.


@dorian1 hey Dorian u have gotten some great advice for you, but what about your husband? He will need to possibly do some unconventional things for himself too, depending on his beliefs. I say this bc i had something similar. My so called best friend put a curse on me. She hit me, my husband, and my new (at the time) puppy, he’s 3 now. And perfectly fine. And so is hubs. My hubs carries a protection mojo bag. It wards against negativity. It has protected to this day. He comes home happy everyday now. But remember the negativity is directed at him.


I actually did a basic cleansing of his space and what not at home. I also did the bay leaf ritual and he Carrie’s it in wallet. He left a very toxic employer back in October and it’s like he is stuck in the mud. We both know as woman, it’s hard our hubs when they feel like they aren’t providing . We balance each other like night and day. I am cup half full and he is half empty. So we feel like a teeter totter as a team right now!


Anything you may suggest that directs more at him as an individual? He believes in Christianity but sense I began embracing my pagan roots he has moved more toward the middle but really doesn’t have a direct belief,


All of you have been so amazing and caring! I am astounded at all the tips and help I have received! @Amethyst i am taking my day off tomorrow and trying this. My husband will be home also so I will include him in the rituals. He isn’t pagan but he respects my beliefs and has seen the results I have gotten by my own actions so he has moved more toward embracing the religion. Thank you again!


You’re welcome! I hope it helps you and your family!


May your rituals be cleansing and successful! :clap: :sparkles:


I’ll keep your family in my thoughts! Hang in there! You should be able to substitute lilac with rosemary. I’ve been through times like that! It’s so very hard! I always try to frame it as the misfortunes I’m feeling at the moment could be the universe moving me into a position where abundance will be great!


Thank you @AileyGrey i know all you your thoughts and prayers will reach us! I am really overwhelmed with love with everyone that reached out to me!


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