Protection/healing runes?

Okay, so my mom has had a few surgeries in her life. Her major one was back in 2008 when she had a liver transplant. Unfortunately, she got a hernia from it and it has grown to a big size. Luckily she has surgery on Tuesday to remove it! I was just wondering, are there any runes I could possibly draw for her to protect and heal her and make sure she makes it out okay?

Also, sending good vibes her way would be greatly appreciated! She is so nervous as opening up a transplant patient again can be pretty dangerous and she’s so nervous that she won’t make it out. I really appreciate it! :blush:


There are several.

:algiz: is the most famous. Draw it on your left wrist, you can do this on your mother in your saliva. You can also add it to her hospital bed post. Using your saliva will put your energy and meld it with the rune.

:uruz: is a health and immunity system rune. You can draw this, again with your saliva onto any item your mum eats or drinks with. Below is few more suggestions.

:thurisaz: A very powerful rune. This calls on the power of Thor, the Norse god of protection. You can draw this on a piece of paper, meditate on it, close your eyes and pray to this beautiful god for help and protection. He likes beer, things from nature as offerings. And he’s a warm, kind, gentle energy (not like Marvel)

Thor :zap: Norse God of Thunder

Here are a few spells for various things to help you through this and your mum.

For stress

How to find your rune

How to send rune energy

For Calm

On the mundane, keep your mum as healthy as possible before any surgery, and I hope all goes well. You are in my prayers. :people_hugging::sparkling_heart::folded_hands:

If you follow the gods behind the runes, the two that can help are:

Thor for strength and protection.
Eir a goddess/Valkyrie of medicine.

Bless :sparkling_heart:

Above is how to use the runes Uruz in medicines and also has @mistressofherbs for any herbal remedy


Hi @Lunar_Witch :wave:t4:

@tracyS has given some fabulous advice, I thought I’d offer mine too if that’s okay?

I don’t know if you’ve heard of Witch’s Runes, but some people believe that the Eye rune offers protection from the Evil Eye.

It can be used on it’s own, as part of a spell or ritual, drawn onto a person or object, or however feels right to you.

I have a Protection For Others ritual, but I’ll leave it you to decide how you want to do it, because that will make it stronger. In my ritual, I use herbs and crystals for protection, and I use the following chant:

I call upon the Ancient Powers,
To protect [name] now, and in future hours.
With crystals, herbs, and words that rhyme,
I pray they are protected by the Divine.
From negative beings, spells and deeds,
I pray to You that they may be freed.
Negative thoughts and energy will be released,
If it be Your will, may they be surrounded by peace.
With harm to none, so mote it be.

If you want to, you could then put those ingredients (or just the crystals) in a pouch/jar or something similar, and leave it next to/with your Mum. I’ll do a candle blessing too, for both your Mum and you, for peace.

x Blessed Be x


My first thought was a song. I hope it’s not too wild.

Here’s to healing and feeling much better! :beers:


I’m not good with runes, but sending her good energy! Hope her surgery goes well!


I’m not a rune specialist at all. However, I already use these two for what you describe. Instead of trying for deep understanding of all them, I selected these for a special purpose and tried to center on them before use. I used :algiz: for protection more than once. I used :uruz: for a healing spell (it’s still in use). It feels right. I have more to learn, obviously, but I respect them.

@Lunar_Witch - sending comfort and protection for your mom.