Question about Reading?

Somebody did a reading on me yesterday but I get the feeling all she was after was money and what she told me was somewhat true but the other half I’m not sure can somebody please do a reading for me bcuz I am a new witch and I can’t do one in myself yet she told me that my family put a curse on me when I was lil and that bcuz of the spell I can not receive any blessings that Everytime I’m about to receive a blessing it gets blocked or something happens to where it doesn’t end up happening I just want to know if what she said is true and if so how do I break the curse or spell ???


Hello and welcome @desirae Im sorry this happened to you Im sure several here can help with this @starborn @tracyS @Satans_Helper @BryWisteria


So would I just send them a direct message and ask about my situation


Personally this sounds like a fake reading

How To Avoid/Break Any Curse Norse Magick

This can break any curse, if such a curse even exists.

Here’s a few more

Curse Breaker Incense

Break A Curse - :no_good_man:

@MeganB is expert at tarot. She will have good advice.

Trust your intuition, our spirit guides use our gut feeling to give us a heads up. A legacy curse is not easy to spot on a simple reading, you would need an in-depth reading, that normally involves a very experienced witch that taps into spirit, aswell as cards, and even then, it can be hard to spot such a thing. And to say you can’t receive any blessings, is extreme. Just looking over your life, good things come, along with bad, that’s the cycle of life. This is just my view, but if it feels off to you, it probably is. Every weekend @MeganB does a one card pull for coven members in Weekend Divination, the post normally goes live Friday, look out for it, and put in a simple request, you’ll get a much more accurate reading.

Out of curiosity, can you remember the cards/runes she pulled and the type of spread and your question. If you put that here in this post, someone will be able to re-read it. (If it’s personal you can move your category to Sacred Space instead of Q&A).

If she did a psychic reading, can I ask who she said she was talking to? A deceased family? Spirit guide? That will give you a big clue. If she said your spirit guide spoke to her, sorry, it’s not genuine.
Point here about mediums

I know I’ve rambled on, but just trying to cover all bases here. First you are in control of your life, you, not anyone else, and you can direct it, you are more powerful than any curse, if there is one, believe this in yourself, that’s the most powerful magic, your intention, all the tools we use in the above spells are to help us see our power, but the magic is in you lovely, in you. :sparkling_heart:


I’d be very careful listening to a person like that. Loads of people take advantage of us witches. Jumping in on the money train. I can do one but ask me a question first so I know what it’s for


Also I’ve had a million people message me that I don’t know and tell me I’m cursed.literally the same exact message u got. It freaked me out at first. But then I realized they were scamming. If u need anything ask us. We won’t charge u here.all friends here bae @desirae


Welcome to the group @desirae I’m so sorry you went through that. It looks like you got some great advice here. @tracyS gave you some great hex breakers (which you probably don’t need, but may make you feel better :woman_shrugging:t2:). And with @MeganB being tagged she will see the post and should be able to help you.

We are an amazing, friendly, helpful group and would none of us would scam. We are always trying to uplift and help each other here. I’m happy you have found us :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Welcome @desirae and Merry meet!

I am sorry to hear about the distressing reading that you experienced. Personally I don’t think that you can’t do your own reading because you are new to the practice. It may be that you are too close to the topic and the reading might be skewed but it’s not about how new or experienced a witch you are.

One option is to ask your question (as you did with the person who did the reading) and draw cards. You can post them here and we can help with the reading if that’s something you would like?

You tagged the wrong Megan fwiw


Hi, @desirae! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

I’m sorry this con man, or con woman, has tried to get their claws into you. I’m glad you are doubting what she said! That tells me you are listening to your intuition, which is an important skill for a witch.

Everyone’s been giving you good advice! The best thing I can tell you is that is it sounds like what you want to hear, or what you are afraid of hearing, they’ve probably picked up on that and are using it against you. Don’t fall for it!

You can break a curse on yourself easily! All it takes is a little reading and a little willpower! Your intuition got you this far down the road, I’m sure you can do it!


Trust your intuition. This sounds like a scam to take your money.

I quickly drew a card while thinking about the situation and got The Hermit. It’s probably time to stop looking for external answers to your questions and start learning to look within. You say you’re new, but that doesn’t mean you’re incompetent. You already have all the tools you need at your disposal; you just need to practice and become comfortable using them. It’s a solitary road of introspection; don’t turn it into one that needs external validation. Your inner voice will be able to guide you more than anyone else can; you just need to disconnect it from all the noise that comes from without.


You have got some good advice so far.

There are lots of witches on here with lots of knowledge that can help you beyond who was tagged. A few have already posted.

As was mentioned above-trust your instincts (you already have by asking the question)

When spirit is giving you a message it is never fearful or anxiety provoking. If spirit has a warning for you it is given in a way where you still feel hope, encouraged that you will be supported. If you are feeling fear or scared it is a false reading.


Fixed, thankyou :grin:


Hi @desirae im Crystal :quartz_crystal: a Bruja :witch_pentacle: from Va you’ve already been given some great advice so I’ll just welcome you to the forum and feel free to make yourself at home.:infinite_roots: :sparkling_heart: :triple_moon_goddess: :rainbow: :purple_potion: :purple_spell_candle: :full_moon:


Hi @desirae,

Welcome! :heart:

Seconding what others have said - trust that intuition of yours, Desirae!

I’m sorry to say it, but unfortunately there are a lot of scammers out there. The “here’s a ‘free’ reading, oh look you have a curse, now you should buy something from me to cure it” is a common spiritual scam. The scammers trick a lot of innocent people and give actual, legitimate tarot readers a bad name. It’s a very sad practice. May the divine give the scammers back exactly what they deserve :pray:

You’ve got some great advice about spells you might consider from here, as well as some options for tarot readings!

I’m going to put in another good word for the talented @MeganB, who offers free one-card readings for the coven every weekend. If you’d like to take a look to know what to expect, here is last week’s Weekend Divination post :flower_playing_cards: There will be a new post at the end of this week!

You’ve come to a great place, Desirae - I think you’re smart for sensing something was off and checking with others! Please make yourself right at home here. From sharing spells to getting casting advice, this a great place to develop your magickal talents and meet fellow magick-lovers.

Blessed be! :sparkles:


I’m popping in here to say yes, this is most likely a scam, especially if the person reached out to you on social media with no prior contact. This happens all the time and, unfortunately, most social media platforms can’t (or won’t) do anything about it.

I had someone message me on Instagram that had actually copied the Spells8 IG profile and they wanted to “give me a reading”. One of my favorite past times is messing with these people because I know they’re scammers. It sounds pretty much exactly as you’ve written - my family cursed me, I needed to pay money, etc. I wouldn’t worry about the reading at all. Since they’re scammers, their messages are copy/pasted and they aren’t doing any readings at all.

We have the thread about scammers here in the forum that’s already been listed. I also have a video on my YouTube channel that has tips on how to spot scammers like this. You can find it here:


If I had money every time someone said I am cursed since birth, now I would be living in a manor :woman_shrugging:t2:
It does sound fake if I am honest, telling you outrageous things so she can get more money in the long run.


It seems like no one answered this question for you. When someone uses the at sign @ with a name, the forum itself sends out a message to that person to alert them that you are speaking to them. It’s handy in a forum this big because it is easy to miss something.

Since I quoted you, above, the forum automatically sent you a message that I did that, too. All I did was highlight what I wanted to quote with my mouse, and a couple of buttons showed up under the highlight to ask if I wanted to quote you. When I hit quote, it created a window wherein I could write more.

Welcome to the forum.

I realize you are lacking in confidence just because you are new. Please do not fear. There are a lot of things to learn and a lot of guidance and helpers, here for you. Any questions you have are welcome. Forgive some of us if we get too technical, just rephrase the question and ask again- like you just did. Sometimes we get used to chatting and forget to make it simpler for a true beginner.

I hope this helps.

As for your other question, there has been a lot of good advice, here. Jump in and act on it on your own. Sometimes, the best lesson is trying it out for yourself and seeing how well it works. Action helps confidence to grow. I believe in you.


Hello and welcome @desirae! I am Celine a witch from Portland Oregon. I am so sorry to near that she did that. We have weekend divination with @MeganB and I am practing tarot an can do a reading. Let me know your question. I can work on it this holiday weekendTrying to practice Tarot
So glad that you are here


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