Question about Reading?

Personally this sounds like a fake reading

How To Avoid/Break Any Curse Norse Magick

This can break any curse, if such a curse even exists.

Here’s a few more

Curse Breaker Incense

Break A Curse - :no_good_man:

@MeganB is expert at tarot. She will have good advice.

Trust your intuition, our spirit guides use our gut feeling to give us a heads up. A legacy curse is not easy to spot on a simple reading, you would need an in-depth reading, that normally involves a very experienced witch that taps into spirit, aswell as cards, and even then, it can be hard to spot such a thing. And to say you can’t receive any blessings, is extreme. Just looking over your life, good things come, along with bad, that’s the cycle of life. This is just my view, but if it feels off to you, it probably is. Every weekend @MeganB does a one card pull for coven members in Weekend Divination, the post normally goes live Friday, look out for it, and put in a simple request, you’ll get a much more accurate reading.

Out of curiosity, can you remember the cards/runes she pulled and the type of spread and your question. If you put that here in this post, someone will be able to re-read it. (If it’s personal you can move your category to Sacred Space instead of Q&A).

If she did a psychic reading, can I ask who she said she was talking to? A deceased family? Spirit guide? That will give you a big clue. If she said your spirit guide spoke to her, sorry, it’s not genuine.
Point here about mediums

I know I’ve rambled on, but just trying to cover all bases here. First you are in control of your life, you, not anyone else, and you can direct it, you are more powerful than any curse, if there is one, believe this in yourself, that’s the most powerful magic, your intention, all the tools we use in the above spells are to help us see our power, but the magic is in you lovely, in you. :sparkling_heart: