Raising Your Family in the Craft

If you have children, how have you taught them your craft or did you? If you were raised in the Craft how were you taught? I’m wanting to discover what witchcraft looks like for other adolescents.

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My daughter is going to be seven next week and I’m just starting to teach her what I know, and only if she’s interested. I grew up in a Christian household and had religion pushed on me from a young age. I want my daughter to have a different experience so I have never pushed for her to learn any of it. She’s showing an interest now, though, so I will teach her what I know. If she eventually changes her mind and loses interest or decides she doesn’t believe, that’s fine, too. I will never force her.


As a parent, what would you do if your daughter showed an interest in Christianity with your past as a Christian. Would you explain to her why she shouldn’t. I’m asking these questions because as of late in seems like my parents have been pointing out what is wrong with other religions, and I’m just trying to see different points of view on the subject. If you feel like I have over stepped a boundary you dont have to answer.


That’s actually a really good question. I will always encourage her to think for herself and follow what her heart wants. If that means she finds Christ and moves to Christianity, then that’s fine with me. The only thing that I would ever ask of her would be to follow Christianity the way Christ had intended it, with love for all beings…not the bastardization of Christianity we see now.


I truly identify with that last statement. I find myself currently torn right now. All my life I’ve learned and yearned for Jesus, but i have also been pulled towards Wicca and those things aren’t often meshed together to well.


You have to take the bible apart and only listen to what Jesus taught. and take a lot with a grain of salt. He can be your God and Mary your Goddess, the bible is full of witchcraft, but most don’t see it…they just equate it with the big gods power and no one else can have it. Did you know Moses was depicted for centuries with horns? Until they equated that with the devil. What is throwing down the staff and it turns to a snake? Parting the seas? Tapping the staff and finding water? Jesus healing the blind man with spit? Jesus exorcising devils? its all there, just have to look, and ignore the man made stuff.


I agree with this statement. I believe practicing Christianity in solitary and in your own way should be totally valid. Like an “eclectic” Christian.

It sucks when parents want to control what their children believe. I was lucky that neither one of my parents was like that: my dad is agnostic and my mom is an eclectic spiritist, so I learned a lot from her about making my own path.

But on the other hand, when I was a teenager I wanted to have a community of like-minded people. So I had to explore different churches and religions on my own.

@jayson I think you should read a lot, but also go out to different events hosted by local groups (Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, whatever you can find) and decide for yourself what you are going to be in time. Nobody’s rushing you!

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Thank you all so much for being so understanding.


Yes I agree with @Francisco got to every church and learn what they teach and why. then make a decision.