I love this so much. I have bookmarked this. I am grateful for all your wisdom and how you inspire me.
Aww thankyou lovely. We inspire each other
I was travelling with my partner into the city the other day, and I looked over at their phone. They were drawing ingwaz, and I was like, “Why are you drawing runes?” They had no idea it was a rune, but now they do. Maybe it’s a sign for us to get into runes.
Ooh fun. Could be a sign
So update on my studies of the runes and northern gods with Ksenia Menshikova, she has bought out book 2, in the runic studies, which I’ve ordered (still reading book 1!)
RUNES AND GODS (Rune Department Series) https://amzn.eu/d/0hNXtFiX
I’m really enjoying her very unique take on all things Norse. I don’t wholly agree with her separation of traditions (I think the Icelandic Volva’s melding is my preferred way), but the Russian perspective is so unique from the purely Western perspective that I’ve only ever known, it’s very refreshing. As I work through some more exercises I’ll share, but I’ll share this view about our spiritual perspective and how it can affect our practice be it using the runes or magic in general.
Our beliefs can have several affects on how we use our practice. Here’s two effects.
They can be used to help, manage and support.
They can be used to manipulate, direct and herd.
An example: protection from danger. That can be to preserve life (1) or it can be to prevent the protected one from gaining new experiences (2).
In any spiritual practice what is the motive behind its creation. The advice, read. Read the primary sources about the spiritual practice. But how does this relate to energy work with runes?
The tools in our craft are the runes and are the same tools used to achieve effects for both 1 and 2, (different outcomes, same tools) it’s the motives that are different, and our belief system has a big impact on our motives, which can subconsciously work through our energy into the runes. So it’s something to look deeply into ourselves and root out any beliefs that may make our rune work destructive without us realising it.
The author notably associates this negativity with Christianity, however, applying her method, I would go further to say that if we harbour any bias either for or against any spiritual practice, that could sway into the energy of the runes. The runes pre-date Christianity, yes but they also pre-date Norse! (Oldest rune found to-date, approximately 2000 years old) That makes them neutral, in my view. Therefore, to get the most from the runic energy, I should be open and willing to allow spirit, of all paths, to be free, through me and not have any negative energy in me towards other gods from any tradition.
What do you think?
Gave me pause Below is a link to the University of Oslo where they have found the oldest rune to date.
Not to nitpick, but remember it’s also only one Russian perspective. With such a huge country with so many different cultures within it, I’m sure there are many, many more.
I love it, personally.
It can be hard to look past what humans following certain religions have done in the past and are doing as we speak. But the actions and interpretations of humans isn’t the responsibility of the spirits they supposedly represent.
Love this. This could be a blurb on a book.
Maybe one day I will write this book. “Magick Between Worlds: Practices of a Mixed-Race Eclectic Chaos Witch”
I agree. We should not hold bias against any religion or practice. I feel if we do that, we are missing out on greater possibilities.
Yes!!! I would definitely buy that book!
The Blank or Wyrd Rune
A controversial addition to the rune set. Some rune experts claim it is valid and should stay, others claim it is a modern addition and should go. Here’s a little history of the blank/Wyrd rune.
The blank rune came into use from Ralph Blum in around 1982, (writer of the famous books The Book of Runes and The Healing Runes: Tools for the Recovery of Body, Mind, Hearth and Soul). It is not part of the Elder Futhark and as a result is not included in many traditional runic books. It is suggested that the blank rune was brought into being as a packaging issue because it was cheaper to do a 5 by 5 mold instead of a 4 by 6 mold. Alot of his references when studying the runes are based on iChing.
So, as this rune is not considered original or even authentic, does it render it useless? I think not. I personally no longer use the Wyrd rune (also called Odin’s rune), but it is in my set. I still feel it may have value. After all, tarot has many variations and overtime as society has changed, the meanings have adapted to guide today’s society. Oracles are created all the time. And who’s to really say, that how we use the runes today, or even understand them, is the same as they were used and understood 2000 years ago.
We can argue the academics of authenticity till kingdom come, but I prefer to look to spirit. If spirit guided humans to the runes in the past, could not spirit guide humans to the runes, and possibly an addition to the runes today?
I’ll leave you to your own conclusion, but I’ll veer on the side, that if it works and your spirit team like it, use it.
For those that wish to use it, here’s a breakdown in meanings (further information in the above link)
It can be called:
The Wyrd Rune
The Rune of Odin
The Blank Rune
The Destiny Rune
The Rune of Fate
Understanding what destiny/fate means to you will help you interpret this rune to your belief system.
First Fate: A time when fate is at work in your life. We make our own destiny and this rune is a push to do that. This rune cannot answer a question or give advice and includes all the meanings of the Elder Futhark.
Why is it called Odin’s rune? Well Odin sacrificed himself for the runes, going from ignorance (blank) to knowledge. If you understand this rune to be from Odin, the advise is: Use your head and your judgement.
What if this rune is a destiny rune? Then it relates to karma. Karma is not a Germanic concept but the Norse did believe in accountability and consequences of their actions. Depending on your understanding of karma or cause and effect, this rune is saying there are powers higher than us that may affect the outcome.
And finally, some equate the blank rune with the simple fact there is no answer to your question. You need to do more research, the answer is not available now but maybe later. Or simply you’re not ready for this answer right now.
These are just a few commonly used meanings of this rune, but it is blank so
Great information! I didn’t know all of that about the blank one! Thank you for sharing this!
How Runes Connect to You
So I’ve worked through many runic rituals and spells, and experienced both the healing, helpful energy of the runes and the bad energy (my fault entirely ). But how do they actually work. Took a little digging and found a simple answer.
Each rune is a sound, each sound has a name. Each rune symbolises an idea that can be interpreted depending on context.
Runes are the representation of natural energy, the life force we interact with every day, they work either in harmony with our purpose or are resistant to it. They are the ever changing reality of the web of life, the Wyrd, that interconnects all of us and nature into one. The runes can help us gain knowledge about these energies and its affect on our life. Their energies are grounded in nature and are forces not yet in motion until we activate them. By our using the rune by drawing it into a stave (shape) we are bringing that rune’s energy to life in our life. That particular runic force will now materialise in our everyday.
In divination, the runes will connect to your higher self and any deity you may have invoked for assistance. The runes define your issue and find any energies within you and around you that are connected to that issue. Because of the way the runes work, in divination, it’s difficult to look to the future, as the runes are connecting to the energies around you and how they are working in that moment. When you pull a rune, visualise it, by doing this you are melding yourself with that rune and by extension the creative energies of the universe. Work any changes that you need to, then cast a rune again, as you change the energies around you, by understanding what’s there, you are changing your future. In this way, the runes work very differently from tarot, as you’ll need to cast after every mundane adjustment.
So as each rune is also connected to a word, this is a power word, like a mantra. By using this rune, feeling it or seeing it, then saying the word connected to it, like a mantra, it helps you to balance that energy within you.
Remember that runes are not just a divination system, they are a healing-power system, and a system to cast magic. They can be carved into wands, added to pouches and spell jars. The old Norse carved them into their weapons, onto their ships boughs. You can ward your house with them, ward yourself with them. In the sagas they were called “The Dark Letters” and it was advised to learn their energies before we use them. The old Norse were very practical in how they used the runes, depending on the task, be it a warship, healing wand or tea, that rune was carved into the necessary object.
(Source Volsunga Saga)
So how best can we cast these runes. It is recommended that as they are the very essence of nature, the best cast is to do it outside on the ground. If you can’t get outside, scatter some soil on a cloth, and cast the runes onto the soil that way.
Here are some main runes that are very useful in our mundane:
good for abundance both material and spiritual, and starting new monetary projects.
to keep you going and remove self doubt.
for change, use this when you’re trying to work with big changes in your life
partnerships, all types, friendship, business, family
for happiness, anytime you’re trying to manifest balance and harmony in your life
creativity. This rune will help you bring your big ideas into reality
There is alot of academic information on the runes, but they are magical and sometimes the magic of the runes can be lost in the academic studies. If you want some spells and rune practice, Freyia TV on YouTube is fantastic as she is a Volva and Rune Master.
I can’t wait to dig more into runes. Class is over this week till the 20th so Imma go us in getting back into a routine with my practice some. Work on my head and focus
I still need to make sure to study though on break so I can do well and get certified
That’s lovely. Any questions just ask. Hope you ok.
I’m trying to be bout to head to work.thdn come back n study a bit before bed. I hope u have a great day
Thankyou I’ll keep it in mind
Ok I have to post this, it’s a massive archeological find. He’s a little rude, but I understand his passion for the runes. Ps: it’s not today it’s released, this was last year. So this discovery runed one theory That’s it, I’m signing off now, gotta do my silence and patience study, before I get into trouble
Nothing like digging up a quality pun to start the morning!
What an interesting find! It sure gives more light to uncovering the history of runes.
Thanks for sharing it, Tracy!
I may have to work with this rune! My physical health has been so bad for a couple years now. Perhaps working with it will remove the illnesses I’ve been dealing with!
Thank you so much for sharing this @tracyS !
I’ll see if I can find anything on how to get maximum benefit from it for you. Sending hugs