Runes Of Odin

This video is further up the post, but it’s the wood method. @Artemisia has more simple methods. :green_heart:


I’ll leave you with this ritual. It helps clear the mind from the fog of this world.

Get a mirror
Draw :wunjo: on the mirror
Gaze into the mirror, focus on :wunjo: and say:

I disappear completely
To allow the time it takes
For the mud to settle in the water
To become clear again.


As someone who gets a lot of brain fog, this sounds like a useful ritual :pray:

Thank you, Tracy! :sparkles: :wunjo:


I’ve just received the 1st rune course from The Menshikova School. It’s a home study course, available on Amazon by Ksenia Menshikova “Runes Reveal the Mysteries of the World”.

So, as I learn, I’ll share. All credit goes to The Menshikova School, any personal experiences will be my own observation as I follow her exercises. :sparkling_heart:

The book is in 3 parts:

1st Aett. Powers inherent in you. This is about what a person is given from birth, about the qualities inherent in you from the beginning, that you must realise and manifest in yourself.
Aett 1 (Freja)
:fehu: :uruz: :thurisaz: :ansuz: :raido: :kaunan: :gebo: :wunjo:

2nd Aett. The ability to be human. Describes qualities and characteristics that you should develop during your lifetime, manifesting them in real life situations.
Aett 2 (Heimdall)
:haglaz: :naudiz: :isaz: :jeran: :iwaz: :pertho: :algiz: :sowilo:

3rd Aett. Life results. This is the important one and unites the first two. It describes the actions and achievements that you should make after awakening all the previous ones in Aett 1 and 2. The 3rd Aett describes human destiny and the ways of it’s understanding and manifestation, by it’s real life results.
Aett 3 (Tyr)
:tiwaz: :berkanan: :ehwaz: :mannaz: :laukaz: :ingwaz: :dagaz: :othalan:

This is why using runes simply as a means of divination is not accessing the full power held in the runes. Through runic initiation, the student undergoes three steps, each step revealing a new layer of his own magic and knowledge.

Most of us, stop at step 1, we learn to read the runes and trust them, but then don’t learn how to transfer the runic energy to influence and transform our life.

The runes have always been a most difficult to understand mystery of all the mysteries; that threshold where the seeker may pay for his mistake. (Larichev. V)

So the course in this book is designed to help us reconfigure our consciousness by incorporating runes into our inner world, through our chakras, so we and the runes become one.

The Aett are specific in design.
Aett 1- awakens the primordial force - the embedding of your consciousness into the channel of runic magic
Aett 2- acquires the tools and skills to change your consciousness through runes.
Aett 3- obtaining realtime results by transferring the runic energy of your inner world to your outer world, using the runic energy in conjunction with the laws of the Universe, and Cause and Effect thus avoiding any backlash. :exploding_head:

So that’s the course overview. One note, the author does state that traditions should not be mixed, and draws a clear line between two traditions, the Northern Tradition and the Abrahamic Tradition. Please don’t let this put you off, the information I’ve seen so far just from browsing this course looks remarkable, so I’m just going to ignore that bit. :grin:

I’ll share my experiences as I experience them, backlash and all. :rofl::partying_face:


OOoo lots of great info. I’ve bookmarked it and will read over it when I get back from my run and have a clearer head! Thank you for taking the time to share the information. I know you are busy reading and studying so I appreciate you sparing time to synopsize and post it here :heart:


Looks interesting! Excited to learn with you!


Thankyou for sharing lovely :rose::rose:


Is this the same book that said it wasn’t okay to combine practices from different traditions? Or just practices from Christianity & Norse?


It’s the same school, but the book that said not to combine practices was called “Oaths and Vows”, however even in this study, she does separate the Northern Tradition and the Abrahamic Tradition. Here’s how she puts it:

“Masters of various traditions use different tools to achieve this effect: (how to weave the fabric of reality).
A Mage of the Christian tradition influences reality through prayers and incantations;
A Voodoo Mage or shaman uses his connection to the spirit world, and through tools and abilities given to him by his tradition, he achieves the desired effect;
A Kabbalist applies spells and invocations through magical formulas that work in the tradition of his worldview and religion.
The Rune Master uses runes, and unlike the masters of other traditions, he sees in the runes something that others do not see - the facets of this world, it’s keys, nodal points of the event formation. By influencing these keys via runes, he changes reality.”

She’s not anti- Abrahamic Tradition for she goes onto say,
“this book — is not to argue about whose cultural tradition is older. We are all children of the Earth and came from a single tribe.”

She then speaks of egregore, a term I’m unfamiliar with. It’s here where she keeps the two traditions separate. Here’s what she says:

“Everything that once dominated her (she’s referring to a student as an example) mind and was part of the culture in which she lived needs to be revisited and re-evaluated. The Christian tradition is built on the belief of sin, guilt, for which mankind is a slave to be redeemed by God, however the Northern Tradition is built on freedom, the right to be human, no sin.”

It’s upon these differences that she states that the two traditions are in conflict with each other. I haven’t read this in any other book, and as it’s not a dominant feature in this one ( whereas in the Oath and Vow book it was), I’m inclined to pass over this.

Other books I’ve read regarding Christianity and the Northern Tradition have a more balanced view, in that they state (AsatruUK as one example), the Abrahamic Tradition when it came to England was gradually absorbed into the consciousness of the Heathens and vice-versa, even though the Church did make illegal, certain heathen practices to promote Christianity, the Heathens themselves practiced both, privately, without issue.

I hope this explains it. I’ll probably learn alot more as I go through the course. :green_heart:

Note, this is a Russian school, so I don’t know the history of Russia and the effect of Christianity on Russian pagans, which of course may influence her world view. :person_shrugging:


Oh yes, that explains it very well. I was just concerned because it seems a bit… odd… that the author would say not to mix traditions but then mix runes with chakras :sweat_smile:

I look forward to following along with you as you go through this course and learn more! Thank you for taking the time to share it all with us :heart:


Fabulous, I’m glad it made sense, I’m getting myself muddled trying to get my head round it :rofl:

Thinking on this, I will chat to my tutor when I have the consultation about this Abrahamic v Northern view, as it’s new to me, he may know of it, and whether it’s shared in the Scandinavian worldview or if it’s a Russian view only, it’s not a view that’s shared here in the UK. :person_shrugging:


I look forward to hearing what they have to say! It’s interesting how different worldviews can change our perspectives.


I’m off to have a glass of wine and read a Disney book, my brain hurts. :rofl: Skoll to all the gods, biblical one included. :beers:


Hope you enjoy your drink and book :books:



Ahhh that’s one of my alltime favorite Disney movies!! My favorite character was Chip the teacup.


It’s gorgeous isn’t it. I love the old Disney cartoons :partying_face:


Me too they feel like home :house:


16 posts were split to a new topic: What’s an egregore?

Ok, had an interesting chat with a Norse Shaman (Seidr), about mixing Abrahamic and Northern Traditions, he gave an interesting response, here’s what he suggested:

First, as long as we’re not appropriating one tradition into another, it isn’t really a problem. Alot of schools of thought will have strong opinions. The main opposition to the Abrahamic Tradition by the Northern Tradition, is the jealousy of the Biblical God towards other gods and idols. He made the point that you need to be aware whether the gods themselves want to work together. So before you decide I’m going to mix this tradition with that tradition, ask the god/s in question whether they’re ok with it. So see how you feel when you do it, and observe any signs, they will let you know. He’s had students mix gods and share altars, and they’ve had bad experiences, but also, he’s had students put two traditions/gods together and had great results!. So he suggested, each person should seek the opinion of the gods in question, as what may work for one person, may not work for another, there is not a one size fits all when it comes to spiritual work. So he said ask Jesus if he’s ok working with Loki, you may be surprised at the answer you get. The gods are alot more open minded than us humans. :grin:

He also said our motive and intention has alot of weight on how these “opposing” gods respond to us. If our motive is to advance spiritually to benefit others, and make ourselves a better person, you maybe surprised when both Gods are more than happy to help you do that. :grin: