Sacred space way colder than other rooms

Hi everyone, just thought i would ask if anyone’s sacred space is way way colder than the rest of the house? I am not even joking it is cold to the point you think you are standing outside at night in winter and the other rooms are normal-cool without heating and warm when heated… it is like there is a barrier between my sacred space and the rest of the house. I should get a thermometer to show you guys because damn, more than a few seconds it cant be tolorated so i go rugged up in there… i should have the ac on and set to warm but it has made me very curious. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: it is a positive thing? I mean it it does complete the witchy feel in their :yum:


My boyfriend had made a similar comment about my room the other day. I never noticed it was the coldest room in the house until after he said something. I just thought that it maybe had something to do with contacting and working with spirits. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


I feel that sacred space although most people take precautions in making sure their room is cleansed through methods such as sage, sprays, incense, etc, naturally the unseen will be attracted. I guess i see it as like when you walk into a witchy shop and it just feels right, i assume for spirits and the likes it is the same. To me and what i have learned so far (not much just so you know), that when some people feel spirit presence they feel the air is colder.
Now i have signs hanging welcoming the elements and only allowing positive energy to enter and i say a similar phase when chanting to cleanse my sacred space, but still i assume that (as quoted from one of my favourite books), like calls to like, and in a way since i am calling on individuals who i have not visually seen including deities but i know exist or have existed, that naturally they will come.
I wanted to tell my husband this morning actually, but had second thoughts and knowing him he would come in here chanting his religious verses and ‘smudging’ the way they do in his culture with something a little similar to holy water as if i have spawned the devil in here lol :woman_facepalming: :laughing:
Let me know if you have another perspective i would loveeeee to know what you and anyone else thinks :blush: :heart:


What you are saying makes a lot of sense. That’s pretty much the same thing I was thinking. It’s like the positive energy that is left behind. I feel it as a good thing. And yes! When you walk in a witchy shop that comfortable feeling of it just being right. My opinion is you hit the nail in the head. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Others may view it differently, I would love to hear other opinions as well!


I don’t know if either of you said or not, but do you keep the door shut to your witchy room most of the time? I know some people do to keep out pets and children but wasn’t sure if this applies to either of you. If so, a mundane answer would be that since the door is closed the heat/AC system isn’t working to maximum efficiency and that room may indeed be colder than the rest of the house. :woman_shrugging:t3: Just a thought.


The only time my witchy room is the coldest room in the house is in the winter time. I don’t have central a/c or heat, in winter it could be as cold as 45 degrees. I don’t mind though. I just snuggle up in comfy warm clothes. My witchy room is my favorite room in the house. I feel a sense of peace when I’m in this room, and it always smells so good from the incense I burn. :incense:


Door is never shut on my witchy room. And the window is open from spring thru fall. I close the window after the temp reaches below 60F


My door stays closed unless I’m in it. It’s kind of chilly in here now and I don’t have the rooms a/c on. Hmmmm, guess I never noticed it before!


My bedroom is where my s/o and I keep our altars and it’s always at a pleasantly cool temperature while the rest of the house is either very warm or very cold depending on the weather and season. I’ve always wondered as to why that is? No complaints from me, of course — I prefer the pleasant coolness :pink_heart:


That is actually a good pint but no, as it is physically impossible due to it is the dining area connected to the kitchen i separate with a thin astrology themed material too separate the places. On top on that, the door that the room does have is blocked by a shelf (purposely to so it is harder for everyone to get in and out as they please or use as a short cut to the kitchen as the dining actually leads nowhere), and the heater is just behind that door where the door itself has a massive gap underneath. So really if i am talking mundane type of way there is no explanation. That and plus when everyone cooks on the gas stove it does get heated and humid in the kitchen but you can feel the difference when walking into my room… :thinking: :woman_shrugging: :blush:


You have no idea how true that rings to me as well, and yes i don’t mind either actually makes my room feel more witch and mine if you get what i mean :blush: