Scrambled, Hoping for some Direction

Hello My Lovelies!
Was wondering if anyone had any tips for a few of the following topics in the regard of a first time mother, struggling to motivate myself, as well as trying to find myself as an energetic entity. I once felt so connected but I was also aided in that with my addiction to substances. Now that things are different and I have grown to adapt to my life and see the error in my ways I am seeing that I need to find a new way to root into my craft.
I have always been in the habit of doing my craft when it strikes me and right now I’m feeling uncomfortable within my mind and feeling self conscious to a new degree.
I love the Tarot(I have a few decks), I also have a deeply rooted passion for the Nordic-esk and even have runic tattoos on each of my fingers and also on my left forearm! I have a moderate amount of crystals and I have herbs and candles and even a brand new mortar and pestle.
Hoping for something to be my beacon and pull me back toward my truest self. Any suggestions and or advice on any of this or even things that helped you would be PHENOMENAL! thank you so much for taking time out of your busy lives and for sharing your energy with me. :black_heart:

p.s. I suppose I could also benefit from a mentor or an advisor type to help me with my path (?) I’m very much a baby witch and I have just followed what my intuition tells me and now am happy to be a protégé or apprentice of sorts :slight_smile:


Hello lovely. I’m Tracy from England. I’m a chaos witch and Norse Pagan. Loki is my patron deity. If I can offer you one thing, as a mum too, it’s to connect to our Norse gods through simple natural means. Just go back to being. Our gods energy is in everything we do, everything we see, feel, smell. When we start our day in chaos, so much to do, you are with Loki, when we sit and look at the world around us and think, we are with Odin, when we watch the rain, walk in the wind, we are with Thor.

I have these beautiful videos from the lovely Freyia, I hope they help.

A Simple Good Morning with the Gods
Above is a nice ritual to start your day.

If you like runes, I’m currently experiencing the runes in a daily, simple way here
Feeling The Life of the Runes
There are some simple ways of drawing on their energy, like drawing :sowilo: on your wrist each day.

The gods, the magic are with you, everywhere, every meal you prepare, every motherly act you perform, every dish you wash, you are the magic. You are special, you are beautiful. :green_heart:

Here’s the Norse deities master post
Norse Deities Master Post


Thank you so much. This has already made a significant impact within my mind. Thank you. So very very much. I will save these videos to use as my reminders. I appreciate you and your wisdom​:black_heart::heart:


Hello @Ladyeviseros,

Despite the challenges you’ve overcome, your passion and dedication shine brightly - I think you’re very strong for making the effort to get back to your Craft! The first step begins with setting your intention, and you’re already there. Good for you! :heart:

The lovely Tracy has already shared some great resources and tips, so if I can add to the table, I’d say to look for simple things to ease back into your Craft.

When life gets busy here and I’m stressed, I just don’t have the right mindset to do anything elaborate. I pass over any spells with lots of ingredients, that take a long time, or require a lot of focus. Even meditation is tough when my mind is busy stressing about other things.

In those times, I find it helps me a lot to find little, small ways to weave a bit of magick into the day. Like stirring my tea three times to the right, saying a small prayer, even just taking the time to appreciate some sunshine, or hold a crystal for a few moments.

Silverbear has a great collection of “witch hacks” - small and fun ways to bring a bit of easy magick into your day:

And this recent discussion also has some great ideas:

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you can find some fun and inspiring things to help you get back to doing what you love and feeling confident in your Craft. I’m cheering for you!

Much love and many blessings :sparkles:


I feel like a lost soul a lot lately, but I have found that finding the magic in the mundane is very helpful. Along with @tracyS post, we have the Runes Information Master Post, which I believe is linked to the Norse one that she also posted.

I have experienced many, so very many changes in the last year, with many things popping up as one gets resolved.

The Magick in the Mundane
:witch_pentacle: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Finding Your Witchy Talents

These may also be helpful for you! If I can think of anything else, I will let you know!


@Susurrus Would you like to add
Feeling The Life of the Runes
to the runes master post? Maybe helpful. :green_heart:


Ah yes! I can do that :blush: It’s been added to the master post! :revolving_hearts:


@Susurrus Thankyou :heartpulse:


I found this this morning, and I thought of you. :green_heart:


As a mother myself, my piece of advice for this is to start over. Completely start from scratch. I got this idea from Thorn Mooney’s book The Witch’s Path. I know I own it somewhere around here but I can’t find it :laughing: anyway, she says that when you’re feeling like this it’s a good idea to remove everything around you to start fresh.

I did this recently with my move, though unintentionally. When I finally went to unpack all of my things, I found myself searching for different objects before others because they were what was important to me. When you can remove the “clutter” of things already around you and live without them for a bit, you’ll find yourself missing certain aspects of your practice. When that starts to happen, slowly integrate them back into your day.

Being a parent means being flexible about literally everything because once you have a child your schedule is no longer under your control – heck, my kiddo just turned 11 and it’s still like this :joy: but the amazing thing about witchcraft and spirituality in general is that it’s inherently flexible. There is no rigorous schedule you have to stick to. There are no hard rules about when you have to do certain things. When I start to feel like that, I ask myself this question → What would my ancestors say to me in this moment? Chances are they would ask me what the heck all the fuss is about because I’m just doing my best.

I hope you find something that works for you :heart: