Self-love, protection and banishing negative energy bath recipe

Hi just wanted to share a recipe i made for Self-love :heart:and protection :hamsa:. To me personally, self-love, protection and banishing negative energy go hand-in-hand especially when things are taking a toll on us spiritually and mentally, so of course protection a major part, but sometimes we forget we need to show ourselves self-love to ensure we can rid of that lingering negative energy. So with out a further a do, here is my own recipe i made which has incorporated two different rituals.

Self-love, protection and banishing negative energy bath ritual

You will need:

  • Small bag (to hold contents)
  • Blue, black and white candle (white representing positive energy, blue representing self-love, and black representing protection. Can be tealight or if not available 3 white candles work)
    *Any Bath salt (i used a brand called Epzen- Calm soak which are magnesium bath flakes infused with essential oils: Patchouli- representing love, geranium- representing calming and balance, and lavender- representing healing, purification and psychic protection)
  • Dried rose petals (self-love and beauty)
  • Dried rue (protection)
  • Rosemary (protection)
  • Dried Chamomile (healing, love and beauty)

The sources i used and edited are:

Practical Magic By Serene Conneeley (oracle set pg:284)

If you are feeling a little unforgiving to yourself, he followng chant can be used:

Element of water, please lend you help,
And assist me to forgive myself.
Elements of fire and of air,
Help me aee i deserve forgiveness and care.
Elements of spirit and of earth,
Hold me safe as i discover my worth.
From the mistake i made, i vow i’ll grow,
So self-firgiveness can now flow!


I love this! I’m bookmarking it for later today :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Glad to you liked it :blush: Now all i need to do is gind time to take the bath uninterupted :smile:


I remember those days! It’s hard with kids to get any alone time. Now that it’s just me and my boyfriend and the dog and cat I have plenty of alone, quiet time.


Maybe you could all use the bath receipe :blush: Well at least you and your boyfriend becuase not sure if it is safe for your fur baby :smile::heart:


He refuses to use any of my bath recipes :woman_shrugging:t2: and I have the worlds strangest dog. She’s afraid of water :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hahaha my husband thinks i hex him so picks and chooses what i give him :laughing: oh poor baby, sure she makes bath time hard for you :confused::woman_facepalming::laughing:


I think that’s my boyfriends issue too. He hasn’t said it out loud, but I think it scares him just a little. :rofl::rofl::rofl:. He knows I do hexes, but I have told him I would never hex him. Not sure he believes me. Lol


Beautiful mix. Thanks for sharing :pray: I hope it serves u well :rose::rose:


Thank you :heart:


A lovely bath blend, and I really like the chant too! I hope you enjoyed your self-care time and that the positive energy continues to flow for you. Thanks for sharing! :pray: :heart: :bathtub:


Oh, this is lovely! :black_heart:

We’re missing rue, but I think we have everything else. I’m going to send this over to my partner to suggest we try it. :star_struck:


Can always substitute for rue


Yeah, I usually substitute when the ingredient list is short. But in this case, between the candles, salts, and herbs, there are so many things. I’m happy to skip. :smile:


Your welcome and can you believe it or not, i haven’t found the time to even take a bath yet as i started my studies this week and it has been a lot to take in on top of my family commitments and karate commitments to, but i will defiantly find the time and by then i would have needed it badly :blush: :heart:


That would be a great idea :blush: The place we are renting has a bath tub that only fits one person, so i can’t imagine me and my hubby both trying to fit :woman_facepalming: :laughing:


I think ours is only meant to fit one person, too. :sweat_smile: Only one of us can have our shoulders under the water at a time, so we usually just sit at opposite ends and try not to stab each other too much with our toes. :rofl:

But it’s worth the Tetris-ing to sit there and read together. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Especially with candles lit, too. My partner loves them more than I do while having a bath now. :rofl:


:laughing: The toes part got me lol But i am sure you can make it work :blush: I always imagined having a bath like how they do in the movies where there is a wide deep tub and the couples can sit back to back but trust me that is the biggest lie unless you have that type of tub because years back i tried in this tub and is was not only awkward, but i felt so unattractive with my belly poking out :rofl: (Mind you i was 113kg back then and my hubby was chubbier too :woman_facepalming: :laughing:


I must be watching all the wrong movies because I’ve never seen that. But that would have to be a huge tub. :astonished:

I remember, during our trip to Japan, there was one hotel where we had a spa bath kind of tub that would have fit four people. But that’s the only time I’ve ever been in a tub where it didn’t take Tetris moves to fit more than one person. :rofl:


For sure, as always movies exaggerate things where everything is perfect… Until i see it in real life i dont believe in massive bath tubs in real life maybe as you said :blush: