Should I let a 7 day candle burn leaving home

What are your thoughts? And what do you do ?


@Babywitchbxtch Personally for me, I snuff out my candle workings if I am not going to be around it for a bit. Snuffing them out in my opinion is like hitting the pause button on any candle magick, spells, etc. Safety first… :smiley:
Blessed Be,


Theoretically you can set them in your sink or bathtub and let them burn but I would snuff it out and relight it when I get home. I’d rather the spell take longer than burn my apartment down.


Thank you :relaxed:



This sentence is because I need 10 characters.


I use 7 day candles at least once a week. I would not recommend you ever leave them burning when you leave home or when you are sleep – they do crack at times! That, is the glass cracks. It is a fire hazard.

Generally, I feel they are safer than other candles because they are jarred. And being reusable is often. I love how I can burn one all evening. But you still have to watch them!

I know there are spells where you let the candle burn out all the way. You can get around this by using a birthday candle – although that would be a super short spell, LOL! or by just letting it be okay to blow or snuff it out when it’s time for you to end the spell.


No, I absolutely do not recommend leaving a candle burning unattended. That’s not safe at all. In most practices it is totally fine to snuff a candle and relight it later when you’re around to keep an eye on it. Please don’t burn your house down and follow Candle Safety :fire: guidelines.


No from me.

I snuff mine out if I’m not in the room with them for a while or leaving the house.


I have to say no… @Babywitchbxtch It could cause a fire. :fire:
As for me, I would never leave a candle :candle: burning!


@Babywitchbxtch it’s better to play it safe and snuff the candle out while you are not there. Snuffing it out pauses the ritual for a while and then can be relighted and continue on with the ritual. I don’t leave a candle unattended.


Thank y’all so much because lady at the botanica told me to leave it I be so nervous but now I will not do that knowing that I don’t have to and my spell will continue to do it’s magick


Hey, Babywitch.
I only light a candle during my devotions and doing spells. One of the fire safety rules is never leave an open flame unattended. :smiley:


I am a huge advocate for fire safety. This being said the answer to your question is for me 2 fold. First. Do you have the means to guarantee that if the jar was to break that no harm could be done? Secondly, Do you know who manufactured the jar you have the 7-day candle in, is it pyrex? If you can not answer yes to either question that no never leave a 7-day candle burning unattended. That being said there is a means to facilitate the continual burning of a candle over an extended time if you have the space and money to do so. This will cost a good chunk of money unless you can acquire the needed items used. I will describe what I consider to be the safest means to do this as taught to me by a fellow witch who is a firefighter by trade in NYC.

Firstly for indoor use, I use a 24"x24"x24" Granite stone planter with the drain hole plugged. Stone tiles are stacked to 6" high, and then water is poured into the planter so the level of the water is just under the top tile. This allows the candle to burn safely as it is deep enoutgh in the stone planter that if it breaks it will not spark out of the planter and the water catches everything. Over the top of the planter, I place a trimmed-down fireplace screen to prevent the possibility of any embers from jumping out. For even more protection you can place fireplace insulation and hearth flooring around and under the pot in a 4’x4’ area.


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