Simple Candle Emotional Release 🕯

As always my dear @MeganB, your ideas are spot on with what I needed. It is a glorious rainy day, it was a super hard day for some of my sweet friends at school, and I have taken the brunt of the energy. So, I reframed it all in my head, lit my candle, and am thinking all the good things for tomorrow!


I’m sorry to hear it was rough but I’m glad you’re taking matters into your own hands and taking back your energy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Tomorrow will be a great day! :clap:


gosh … this spell came at just the right time … i’m so close (thisclose) to losing my sh*t. and i keep things bottled up … i’m going to definitely transfer some of that negativity to that candle! thanks so much for this release spell … :slight_smile:


You are absolutely welcome :heart: I hope it helps you in the way you need. I know exactly how it feels to be so close :pinching_hand: to just absolutely losing it :laughing: it’s no fun!