Simple Candle Emotional Release 🕯

I shared this spell on Instagram and I wanted to share it here, too. This is something I’ve been doing for several months now. It’s been pretty successful in helping me reframe my thoughts and release the energy that comes from those thoughts.

Let me tell you about one of my self-care witchcraft practices, and all you need is a candle. I’m going to tell you how I do an emotional release.

This spell goes hand-in-hand with a therapy technique I was taught by my therapist. It involves reframing my negative or irrational thoughts, pointing out the fallacies, and seeing where my anxiety is running the show.

It’s funny to me because the picture of my little candle here is 100% reflective of the way my life feels right now. A small flame burning in the midst of random things happening around it. And you know what? That’s okay.

You will need…

  • a candle
  • a lighter or matches
  1. Hold the candle over your chest or wherever you physically feel your emotions.
  2. Inhale and speak or think your reframed thoughts. These are the thoughts that counteract the irrational or negative thoughts coming from anxiety.
  3. Exhale and push the emotional energy from the irrational thoughts into the candle.
  4. Continue the above process until you feel that enough energy has been transferred to the candle and your thoughts have been reframed.
  5. Burn the candle and let the emotional energy from the anxiety dissipate with it.

See - easy peasy!

Witchcraft and self-care go hand-in-hand for me, and this practice also goes hand-in-hand with my mental health care. I hope that, if you use this, you benefit from it as much as I have.


This is beautiful. Thankyou lovely :sparkling_heart:


:clinking_glasses: It sure is!

It’s beautiful. I’m going to have to use this when social interactions become too much for me. :black_heart:


Thanks for sharing. This is a good idea.
As for me, l just light the candle as l do an affirmation while looking at the fire.


Megan- The mystic and powerful practitioner! Thank you :blush: for your wisdom and support! I will be posting a picture when I am finished so I’ll come back to this post. Ow yeah I love your purple hair! I was thinking of getting my ends done!

I never really understood energy work but finally after 3years of practicing, something so simple is revealed!
I see it really takes energy to transform yourself! I can appreciate breath work. I am a yogi, to practitioner!
Anyway I am loving this post! Tonight I will be doing breath work !

I felt a real bit of anger today towards a client who is an alcoholic, and he is my client and his order online and they did not put the alcohol inside of the bag a substitute, so they never put it in there! Long story short he was a angry and made me angry :rage:
I expelled my anger into the candle :candle:
I inhaled twice giving a pulse then expelled three pulses out !
Also my candle didn’t go out yet so I had some more!
I did some letting go of fear with breath work letting go of fears that I had during my night terror last night! It was so scary :frowning_with_open_mouth: I couldn’t sleep :zzz: so know I am afraid to sleep! I released my fear today because it’s just probably some bottled up fear and I could also let go of many other things with breath work!
Just letting you all know Lampadious is a epithet of Hecate and I just think of her lamps of lite over me ! Lampadious Lampadious
She is my lamp :diya_lamp: in the darkness


@Jeannie1 Oh sweety I’m sorry you had a bad experience, especially the night terror. I wish I knew how to ask my dear night demon to help you, he takes away my stresses and fears, but I don’t know how🤷 Still learning. I’m glad you were able to do the candle spell , and it was good for you. I hope to try it too.
Sending big hugs my lovely. :sparkling_heart::hugs::kissing_heart:


Thank you all! :heart: I’m glad you like the spell! It’s immensely simple, but really effective, too.

Thanks for sharing :blush: that sounds like a good practice, too!

@Jeannie1 – Oh wow, I’m sorry you had that experience! I hope things are doing better for you and that you were able to release that fear :heart: You can do it!


This is great, thank you for sharing. Do you think there will be a copy of it that you can download? I want it for my BOS, and I want to credit you.


I haven’t created one for it, but I probably will eventually!

I’m glad you like it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for this @MeganB


You’re very welcome! :heart:


It’s great! Wonderful spell, my dear!


Megan - Yes I am going to piggyback @Amethyst and thank you for this message!


Thank you for sharing this! :green_heart:


Definitely going to try this next time I feel anxious! Candles are 1 thing I don’t have a shortage of.


@Amethyst – thank you, so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@Jeannie1 – you’re so welcome, my dear! :blush: I’m glad you like it!

@Jewitch – Absolutely! :revolving_hearts:

@chaitea43 – I don’t have a shortage of candles, either :joy: I hope it works well for you!


@MeganB thank you very much!
this is an excellent post! :revolving_hearts: :hekate_wheel: :revolving_hearts:


You’re welcome :heart: I’m glad you like it!


I enjoyed it too!!! :heart: I’m not sure how i missed it the first time round. :thinking: better late than never!


I’m so happy it’s a good spell for everyone! :heart: I’ll need to add it to my toolbox in the coming months :sweat_smile: it’s good to have it as a reminder!