Full Pink Moon in Scorpio :pink_heart: April 2024

Pink Moon Scorpio April 2024

The Full Moon for April is upon us - this month, we are approaching the Pink Moon. This month, the Full Pink Moon in Scorpio will take place on 2024-04-23T23:48:00Z EST. To check the exact time of the Full Moon in your area, you can use the moon calendar from Astro Seek (click here).

In this post, we will take a moment to explore what a Full Moon is and how the sign of Scorpio might affect the energy of this moon. As usual, there will be links, ideas, and inspiration for spells, rituals, and meditations!

Please note: Some links go to pages specifically for Spells8 members - make sure you’re logged in!


What is a Full Moon?

If you need a recap of a Full Moon, click here! 🌕

A full moon happens when the moon is directly opposite the sun from the Earth. This means that the side of the moon facing Earth is fully illuminated by the sun, making it appear as a complete circle of light in the night sky.

As with anything in witchcraft, there are many different beliefs on what type of magick should be done during a Full Moon. Some witches believe banishing should be done. Others believe intentions should be set for manifestations. Still, others (such as myself) believe that the Full Moon is the best time for literally any spell you want because the energy is at its highest.

During the Full Moon, the Triple Goddess becomes the Mother of all beings. It’s a great time to work on intuition, spells of love, and prosperity. The Power of all Magic is truly at its peak, this lunar phase is key to either accept or reject projects, transformations, and manifestations that we initiated during the New Moon. - Spells and Things To Do on a Full Moon | Spells8

The Pink Moon

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Full Moon for the month of April is called the Pink Moon. It is given this name not because the moon is actually pink (though that would be pretty awesome) but because of a pink moss that blooms during this time of year. Some alternate names for the Pink Moon include Breaking Ice Moon, Frog Moon, and Budding Moon.

Full Pink Moon: Spell & Ritual

The Southern Hemisphere is in the midst of a transition from Summer to Autumn. Because of this, the names of the Full Moons in the Southern Hemisphere are often different! For April’s Full Moon in the Southern Hemisphere, you may want to consider using the names Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon, or Blood Moon. You can even use the Spells8 Harvest Moon ritual instead of the Pink Moon ritual!

The Sign of Scorpio

Ahh Scorpio - I know all about this sign as it is my personal sun sign! The sign of Scorpio is enigmatic, mysterious, and devious. They like to keep all of their secrets yet also want to know the secrets of everyone else. The Scorpio tends to be seen as mysterious and dark, drawn to all things occult, spiritual, and taboo. Scorpios are naturally curious and will do whatever they can to learn about their interests. They feel intensely which makes it very easy for a Scorpio to get in over their head very fast! Many may think the Scorpio is dramatic, but I tend to find that Scorpios feel so deeply that they hide their secrets for fear of being too vulnerable with those who might hurt them.

Learn more about Scorpio :scorpius: → Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Signs by @Cosmic_Curiosity

Magick for the Scorpio Moon

Since the sign of Scorpio delves into mysteries, passions, seduction, and the occult, those are themes you may want to explore with this full moon. The Full Moon is the height of lunar energy making it the perfect time for any kind of spell or ritual. Consider spells involving personal transformation, and divination about the future of your passions, and even embrace the idea of sensuality in your daily life.


Activities for the Full Pink Moon in Scorpio

There are many things you can do for the full moon, but these activities will be enhanced by the specific energy of this Full Pink Moon in Scorpio!

Magickal Massage Oil

Scorpio is a sign of sensuality and passion - and no, that doesn’t just mean sex. Massage, whether on your own or with a partner, is a wonderful way to get in tune with your physical body. Create a magickal spell massage oil with the intention of enhancing physical sensation, relaxing the body, or creating a connection between you and another person.

Magical Oils: Process + Recipes to Craft Spell Oils

Emotional Release

With the intensity of Scorpio’s water sign and connection to intuition and emotion, we may find ourselves feeling things we haven’t felt in a long time. This is especially true if you are prone to bottling up your emotions or pushing things down to deal with them later. This Full Moon is a great time to release those emotions, especially if you have been holding on to them for a while and they are running your life.

See also → Simple Candle Emotional Release :candle:

Shadow Work For Transformation

If there is one thing Scorpio doesn’t shy away from, it’s death and transformation. This Full Moon is a great time to explore these themes in your life, either in a literal sense or a metaphorical one. If you are not familiar with shadow work or need some help, please look into the course we have here at Spells8!

Shadow Work: Embracing Your Inner Darkness


Remember, the energy of the Full Moon isn’t just for the one day that it reaches its peak. Personally, I give myself a three-day window for the Full Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after. This works well for my practice and it may work for yours, too!

Do you plan to work with this Full Moon? What are your favorite ways to work with a Full Moon?

Let’s hear about it!


I think an emotional release would be good around this :laughing: I’ll have to think about this 1 & timing & all the things. Going on my to-do list. AKA: Side Quests


Oh… well… lol I have stuff to deal with. Guess I need to figure out a ritual to do this during this time! :laughing:


The theme of release is going to be very prominent this full moon period, because oh well, a rollercoaster awaits us :rofl:
The moon :scorpius: the sun :taurus: and pluto :aquarius: are forming a T-square; a press cooker of energy, stress and edginess. And not to mention that this one is extra karmic, since it cames after 2 eclipses, during Mercury retrograde
The motto of this one is no pain- no gain, so yeah it is going to be a difficult one, especially if you have important placements in fixed signs :crazy_face:

So my Scorpio rising/pluto/SN, Taurus NN, Leo moon :peach: is gonna stay at home, thankyouverymuch


I think I’ll join you both with an emotional release :joy: I feel like I need it, too!

Oh yikes… yeah, I think I’ll just stay at home, too :joy: that’s a lot of stressful energy!


Way too much strong energy :rofl: Mercury Rx & I arent getting along & my Scorpio Stellium+ is going to stay in bed, hopefully with my Leo Stellium.

Some kind of release will have to be done, carefully planned :thinking:


This could be a tough full Moon for some. Tension, conflict and challenges all around!

The Moon is in Scorpio, meaning it is opposing the Sun in Taurus. However, Pluto in Aquarius also.crops up, creating a T square, basically a 3 way tug of war.

The Sun is in Taurus, bringing practical and grounded energy. There may be a strong focus on stability, material security and enjoying sensual pleasures. There may be more value placed on maintaining consistency and are determination in pursuing goals. Taurus is an earth sign, so there may be a greater appreciation for nature, beauty, and for s stable, secure environment.

The Moon in Scorpio adds intensity and emotional depth to the situation. Scorpio is a water sign linked with transformation, power, and emotional vulnerability. You may feel a strong desire for emotional connection and depth, and you may experience heightened intuition and the ability to sense hidden motives and underlying truths.

Pluto in Aquarius brings a unique and individualistic approach to transformation and change. You may be drawn to unconventional ideas, innovation and societal transformation. You may feel a deep desire for personal freedom and a strong urge to break away from traditional structures, embracing new ways of thinking.

During the full moon, these planets will form a T-square. This intensifies the tension between the Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio, and Pluto in Aquarius. The Full Moon amplifies the emotional energy and may bring any underlying conflicts or challenges to the surface.

This brings a three way tug of war between the need for stability, security, and practicality (Taurus), the desire for emotional depth, transformation, and intensity (Scorpio), and the push for personal freedom, individuality, and innovation (Aquarius). You may find yourself jumping between these energies, struggling to find a balance between your need for stability and your desire for personal growth and authenticity.

There can be a struggle for control over the intense emotions brought by the full.moon. it may be challenging to express and manage your emotions effectively, leading to power struggles, internal conflicts or a fear of vulnerability.

There may also be conflict within you, as you may have a strong desire to break free from traditional structures and embrace your individuality, yet also feel a resistance or fear of change.

These placements can also manifest as a need for dominance or a fear of being controlled by others. The intensity of Scorpio’s emotional energy can further complicate relationships, as you may resort to seeking power or influence through emotional manipulation. Try to avoid this at all costs.

The Sun in Taurus represents your desire for stability, while the Moon in Scorpio and Pluto in Aquarius symbolise deeper emotional and transformative energies. This can create an inner conflict that can lead to a constant need for self-examination and a need for personal growth and transformation.

While a T-square can bring challenges, it also offers potential for personal growth and empowerment. Acknowledge the challenges you face and work through them to develop resilience, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of your own internal self.


Yup - this explains a lot for me right now :sweat_smile: thank you for adding in all this wonderful information, @Cosmic_Curiosity :clap: I really appreciate it!


You are welcome. Sorry I didn’t mean to hijack your post with screeds of info :see_no_evil:


You hit the nail on the head with this one. Oof.

Wish I could forward this to a certain someone… :roll_eyes:

But all I can do is focus on what I can control. My thoughts, my actions, and my emotions. The rest isn’t my fault or my problem. I’ll get through this craziness :laughing:

In any case, it’s good to know these things. Helps keep things in perspective! :pray:

Thank you!


As a Scorpio Sun / Taurus Moon I guess that explains feeling pulled all over the place lately :sweat_smile:

This moon really is a doozy! :crazy_face:

Love the suggestions for moon magick and other work relevant to the moon - lots of good choices here!

Thank you for the insight about tomorrow’s moon @MeganB and @Cosmic_Curiosity! :pray:

Wishing everyone a blessed Full Pink Moon in Scorpio :pray: :pink_heart: :full_moon: :scorpius:


Well, thank you for calling me out again @Cosmic_Curiosity :rofl: Mercury Rx is definitely not helping this situation for me :joy:


This full moon would be a great time to practice some self-care. đź©·


There’s no hijacking here! :clap: You know way more about astrology than I do and I barely scratch the surface. Your contributions to this post (and any other!) are always welcome! :heart:

Don’t mind me… I’m just over here trying to do the same thing :sweat_smile:

Any time! :revolving_hearts:

I totally agree - that’s a great idea!


The pink :sparkling_heart: moon was so incredibly beautiful this morning I drove out to the Corn field at 5:00am it was huge I tried to capture it in all it’s beauty to show you all but iPhone cameras seem to never do it. :full_moon:


I feel like at least every waking hour of the past week, I keep saying - stop, just focus on what you can control, and let the rest go. :sweat_smile:


I went outside eaier on my back porch and took this picture tonight:

That was earlier but it was gorgeous as it was coming up, it hadn’t come up over the trees yet, and that’s one of my favorite times to see the moon.


Stunning! Such a great shot. I haven’t seen the moon quite yet in my neighborhood. :full_moon: but rest assured even when I do, my photo won’t compare to yours! :camera_flash:


I would love to see your pictures if you take any!

I can’t take all the credit. I found the setting on my phone completely by accident 1 night :laughing:


Fabulous photos :sparkling_heart: