Skies: Beautiful Blue, Perfect Pink, Nostalgic Night, & Everything in Between (Part 2)

It’s desert? I love the desert. :green_heart:


We rarely get snow :snowflake:


Albuquerque is what is called “high desert.” We have bushes, sagebrush, cacti, small trees here and there, thin forests along the river, pines on the mountains, tumbleweeds (aka Russian thistles), and 360 days of sunshine per year. Grass is limited to the lawns of rich corporations like Intel and golf courses. We have few edible weeds around here, but some flying herbs like nightshade and bittersweet.

When the wind blows (quite often throughout the year) Dust takes over inside the houses, complete with great clouds of dust and/or smoke from distant wildfires outside. Wear safety goggles in the wind if you have contact lenses! Be prepared to walk at a 45° angle in spring.

I once got off the bus, headed home, and saw a bird land on the ground within a couple feet of me. It looked at me with a strange look of fear not mattering and hunkered down. Seconds later the wind hit! I would have been nearly blown off my feet except for the bird’s warning.