Snoozin' in between

I am not usually a snooze hitting person when the alarm goes off, but recently I have needed to hit that snooze button… a couple of times. No shame here. I’ve noticed, though, that when I’m in that liminal space between awake and asleep that I’m very awake of what I’m thinking. I get the most random ideas and thoughts and memories… sometimes really bizarre words like “butterscotch” will pop into my head. I’ve been doing a lot of work trying to tap into spirit guides and I haven’t felt like I’ve had a lot of luck. (Y’all, I’ve been crazy busy with school and family). Then it occured to me that maybe this quiet liminal time of day is when I’m actually calm and quiet enough to recieve? It’s kind of hard for me to explain. I don’t hear anyone talking, I don’t see images, the ideas and words are just sort of there. I can’t even remember anything super specific right now about what I’ve thought to give you good examples.

At any rate, I’d love your thoughts. I plan on keeping journal by my bed so I can scribble things down over the next little bit to see if I notice anything.


That sounds like it might be it! :smile: It might be time to start finding a way to jot those thoughts down before you fall back asleep. Whether that’s using a pen and paper or your phone. :black_heart:


I have a small notebook and a pen nearby. I put it there earlier. Somebody in the universe is like “finally! geez!”


I think so! It’s strange how spirit tries to connect with us! We just have to be open to their messages! :blush::blue_heart:


It’s funny because as soon as I realized this… radio silence. Like c’mon!


That’s too bad!