I’ve been a bit quiet on here this past month (various reasons!) but I have been making progress on some FREE printable’s that I use in my art magic practice.
I create stickers to adorn my grimoire pages and just made a weekly planner page to map out my magical practice. If anyone else would like these they are free to download from my website and the planner page is free to all my subscribers.
I have also collaborated with my friend Penny and made a new oracle deck called Hide and Seek.
Does anyone else on here make their own decks? I would love to see them!
That is such a lovely gift- thank you so much, Sara!
Wow, that’s amazing! Congrats to you and Penny on the lovely new oracle deck- it looks really beautiful
I’ve never made a deck myself, and after over a year of searching, I still haven’t found an oracle deck that I resonate with enough to use in my practice I do still want to give a Lenormand deck a try, but otherwise it looks like I might be a tarot girl for life
That being said, even if I don’t use them I still really love seeing the beautiful art on everyone’s oracle decks! Thank you so much for sharing
Thank you so much!
I have Lenormand decks too but I’m still learning how the cards work together. I can feel the urge to draw my own deck one day too!
I have used tarot for years and only really got into other cards when I bought Kim Krans Archetype deck, which I love so much! I’m very much a DIY girl so making my own was the next step.
You’re very welcome, Sara! And ahhh that is so exciting- I hope the day comes where you feel ready to make your own Lenormand deck too, I would love to see your take on the cards!
Wishing you all the best with your card studies and crafting Blessed be!