Sorry I haven't been as active

I know a big part of being in this coven is contributing to the forum. I also know that i haven’t been as active as i was a month or so ago. Life has just been tearing me down and leaving me with very few moments to catch my breath.

Because of that, I have been doing what I always do when I get too overwhelmed, Ignoring my mental health, self care, and spiritual growth. I even stopped advancing in my lessons on here, which is off for me because I love learning all that I can. So I am sorry I have been less active, and I am going to start getting back on track now.

I am taking suggestions for ways i can incorporate magic into my life in little ways rather than for just big elaborate rituals. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.


Aww sending you love and power my lovely :sparkling_heart:. I’m sorry you’ve been going through tough times. The magic into the everyday is just as powerful as the big ritual. There’s 2 beautiful little meditations on the app to start and end your day, helps you wake up and wind down. I’m not Wiccan but I still do them.

And then the daily ritual is again a place where you can do something daily and small.
Just click on the menu on the front page and there it is. (Put your timezone in :grin:)

And if you feel like a nightly ritual (lunar spell) instead of daily, same as above, off of the front page.

Take care. Lovely to see you :green_heart:


In my mornings, I light an incense, take a deep breath and start getting ready. After a few minutes I say my wiccan prayer and then continue getting ready. Before getting my son up I say my prayer to Bast. Then I continue. When I have a second I say my prayer to Thoth. All of my prayers are said in front of my altar. Before leaving for the day, I return to my altar and look at each figure and thank them for going along with me on my day.

That’s how I start each day. So far, it seems to have made a big difference in my practice.

Hope this helps and please take care of yourself.

Much love,


Hello @patricia2,

Life likes to throw to punches and sometimes it’s all we can do to hang on :people_hugging: :heart: There’s no need to apologize! We all understand when things get busy - rest assured that the forum doors are always open to you, Patricia. You are welcome here whenever you have the time and enjoy to stop by :blush:

Tracy and Audra have both shared some lovely suggestions about ways to weave a little magick into your daily routine. If I can add a few more onto the table for you, it would be these!

This is a simple guided meditation that encourages compassion and helps nurture self love, especially during times of difficulty.

The coven shared some wonderful entries with tips, ideas, and simple spellwork as part of the previous Casual Casting Challenge.

@Silverbear has shared some wonderful “witchy hacks”, which are fun and easy ways to bring a bit of magick into the day. Many of them are as subtle as they are simple - no one else has to know you’re casting magick if you don’t want them to.

I hope you’re able to find some fun and easy methods that work for you, Patricia!

Wishing you all the best- blessed be :heart:


No need to apologize, @patricia2 :hugs:

You’ve already gotten some amazing advice - I’m just hopping in to wish you well and give you lots of hugs! :heart: Dealing with life can be very difficult, but I’m sure things will turn around for you soon.


I have an easy ritual I do every morning while in the shower. It takes literally no time out of my day and really improves my mental health.

While I’m the shower I ground myself, while the water runs over me I repeat 3 times “out with the negative energy, in worth the positive” end with mote it be and a blessed be.

Hopefully this can help you as much as it helps me.



Thank you everyone for all of the advice. I will definitely use it.


Here are my personal favorites:


Late in responding to this but you’ve received some wonderful advice already and some of it was things I was going to suggest.

Also, don’t stress about feeling like you’re not contributing enough. You give what time and energy you have to give but taking care of yourself should always come first :heavy_heart_exclamation:

My only other add would be that I’ve started to add a 5-minute coffee/tea meditation ritual in the morning that helps me start my day off right! :coffee: :tea: :person_in_lotus_position:


I am Tab :slight_smile: new here I know we don’t know each other - I hope this little message doesn’t over step…firstly sending a massive virtual hug :hugs:

I work like 80-100hrs a week (I run my own dance studio) so elaborate rituals are also really hard for me too

3 little changes you could try for self care
1)morning mini gratitude when you open you eyes before you pick up phone or rush out of bed set your alarm 5mins earlier and mentally list the things your grateful for
2)I leave earlier for work and sit either in a park if the weather is nice or in my car to have a coffee - I just literally let the beauty of Mother Nature wash over me (doesn’t need to be this but 5/10mins just for you)
3)this one is a bit harder POSITVE SELF TALK EXERCISE :smiling_face_with_tear:
-I write down all the negative things I say to my self or maybe people in my life have said to me

  • then for each one I write three positive truths
    ***Then when that negative thought pops into my head :woman_facepalming: I say the corresponding positive one three times
    Now when you first start it really sucks and you feel silly but do the work and it gets easier and you start to feel good about your self :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You are a good person and deserve to be happy I find my connection in the simple things and do big rituals when I can - It doesn’t make you less of a witch or a failure - little things count for rituals as well, it is about your intentions :cherry_blossom::heart:


I love these ideas, especially the positive self talk exercise. I will be incorporating that one somehow into my daily routine.

Thank you for the ideas!!!


@ patricia2 my love I’m glad you’re back…
everything will be much better!
sending you lots of love and white light!
we love you!