Spell for addiction

Can anyone help with the spells to help with addiction? My husband is a drinker. He doesn’t drink too much but consistently. He wants to drink everyday though. He smokes and smokes up too everyday.

We had a lot of arguments and discussion around it. He agrees to take care but gets back to the same thing.

Thanks for any help.


I can see the struggle in trying to find a spell focused on someone else. The other person, unless they’re a part of it, can block the effectiveness. They have to actually want it themselves for it to work, I guess.

I have known many experienced witches try to do an anti-addiction spell. The only ones that ever worked were those that people used on theirself. The best you can try is healing, as that may help with the underlying root of their problem. And also, protection for them, so they can live long enough to make the decision to get clean. Until they make a firm effort to quit, they won’t. Sorry. Other spells around the edges to minimize harm may also help, a little. But, so much of the craft is intention, and theirs is going against yours, so a temporary cessation is the absolute most you could ever hope for using only magic. Sorry, but I have had friends with decades of experience give it their best shot, and the spells just keep bouncing off the addicts firm intention against it. You have my sympathy. Stay safe yourself. - Anti-Addiction Spell Help

Nevertheless, you can try grabbing a self-spell and tweak it to focus on another instead of yourself. Some examples that might help you get started:

The quoted person above suggests doing healing spells instead, thus working on the root cause of the addiction rather than the symptom (addiction). But the thing is, once something has been an addiction for a long time, it kind of becomes its own thing, doesn’t it?


Yes I totally get the point. Even I was reluctant before asking because my husband should know I am doing this spell on him. I would never just do it without telling him. I will go with the healing instead. Thanks for the clarity.


Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like you shouldn’t try it anyway.


You didn’t sound like anything at all. You can actually sound exactly like how it should be because I am new and I should know before getting into anything. Thanks for helping me out.


Hi @KhanjanB,

Katerina shared some wonderful advice and some spells that look great for working with addiction. I don’t have anything else to add that has’t already been said, but I do want to wish you all the best! :heart:

I know it’s really, really hard to watch when a loved one has an addiction that is harming their life (and the lives of those around them). I think you are very kind and supportive to look for ways to try and help.

I hope you’re able to find some methods (or find methods to adjust and customize- you can always tweak spells to better suit your intention/needs!) that will work for your situation.

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


You know how trauma can also put you in a position to overthink. My father was an alcoholic but it was a bad one. My husband drinks but it’s not even closer to what I saw at my home but still it irritates me. I also have anxiety where I constantly think about losing my loved ones and thinking about losing him makes me sleepless for days. I conveyed this to him but I don’t think so my trauma is something he understands deeply.
He never met my parents because I lost them years back and he doesn’t know how my childhood looked like closely.


Just because a problem is happening to a lesser degree with one person than another doesn’t make it not a problem- your feelings are valid, @KhanjanB :people_hugging:

It sounds like you’ve tried to talk and connect with him about it, which is great! It’s important to have the doors of communication open. It sounds like a situation that is causing a lot of anxiety for you, so maybe there are some other ways to try and get your honest feelings across to him? Just one suggestion, but I’ve heard good things about couple therapy sessions- sometimes it can help to have a neutral middle party help get messages and feelings flowing between two people. Again, just a thought on the table!

Sending you hugs and well wishes :heart:


Thank you so much for understanding. I am a pro therapy person but you can convince people to take therapy only when they realise there is a problem or they need help. I tried but I feel the other person need to understand that there is indeed need of therapy and there is something wrong with this kind of affinity for alcohol and other stuff.


You’re right- it’s like that old saying: “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. Sometimes people have a hard time seeing or acknowledging things, even when they need them.

Still, good for you for trying to help! I hope that their eyes will open and that they will accept the help so kindly being offered to them. They ought to know that they are very lucky to have you! :heart: :blush:

Lots of love and many blessings!


Starborn, excellent information! I thought about trying a spell as I have 60 years of my life surrounded by addition in one way/form or another. This goes from my mother, father, myself, my son, not to mention Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles or the family members blown up in a distillery in Virigina, etc… the list goes on. But there seems to be one thing missing from the spell and that is: ***the very soul of the addict and his/her desire to truly and honestly want to quit. ***

I also agree that healing and free of harm from the addiction is helpful for the person on the outside, or at least for me it was for me.

Blessed Be,


Hi KhanjanB,

I am anxious to see the replies as I am going through a similar situation. My son, he did go to rehab for a month after 4 months of sobriety, his dam girlfriend told him it was ok to have a beer on her birthday…you know the rest of the story.

I truly and honest hope for the best. Life is not 50/50 some days you can only give 10% to the family and the other person has to pick up the other 90% but it is draining.

Blessed Be,