Spells/Rituals Inspired By The Organ Body Clock

I was inspired by the organ body clock shared by @celineelise

I decided to create this post to keep track of spells/rituals/affirmations developed in line with the organ body clock.

I know some already have a shower ritual so that one is an obvious add.


My first inspiration was for brushing my hair. Funnily enough I don’t always brush my tangles, I just stick the hair up in a messy bun and I am good to go.

I am making it a point now to brush my hair in the morning. Brushing the hair clears energy out of the mind. Apparently it is best done during 5-7 am. For me that may have to include some 8 ams as well.

According to the body organ clock, between 5-7 am feelings of defensiveness and feeling stuck could be evoked.

I have created a spell to charge the brush. It does not rhyme. My rhyming skills may improve over time. I will charge it during the day then that night during the next full moon.

I will surround it with crystals.

I will anoint it with diffused lavender oil.

When I use it I will say a mantra.

So far my spell for charging the hair brush is (still a work in progress. I know I will tweak it as I work with it):
Sun charged for cleansing and mental clarity
Moon blessed for harmony and balance
Handle in hand you are thus transformed
Drawing out cluttered energies
Knots untangle, worries sooth
Unnecessary thoughts release
Clear, unfettered and calm remains
Strong, flowing beauty you doth imbue
By the god and the goddess
And as I will, so mote it be.

I put asterisks by the ones I have that I will use:

With each stroke I clear away any and all energy that no longer serves me. My mind is settles, clear, amd present.

Although nothing specifically mentions defensiveness and stuck-ness, for me the spell, stones and mantra all deal with that.

It will take me awhile to get through the whole body clock with affirmations spells etc but I am looking forward to doing it.

Edited to fix a typo I saw. That doesn’t mean there aren’t typos left. Lol


Awesome! It’ll be great to have a log to follow along the explorations.

A big thank you to you, @Phoenix_Rose for starting the collection, and to @celineelise for the awesome challenge entry that introduced the Organ Body Clock theory :mantelpiece_clock: :sparkles: :blush:


I really love this chant you’ve written. If you don’t mind, I may use it as inspiration for my own! :heart: I look forward to seeing what else comes of this organ body clock subject. Thanks!


Thank you! :blush:. Yes, absolutely use it as inspiration for your own. :purple_heart:


I keep waking up in the middle of the night so I do need to make changes. I usually wake up around the anger or grief times. Between 1&3 am this is also a time where we could wake up due to too much yang energy(according to the clock).

Examples of Yang energy is hot, fire, masculine, restless, energetic. That makes complete sense for me. I am very much an Aries and lots of fire energy. I often use will to work beyond my capacity which leads to a flight or fight response.

So, I am going to work on building up my yin side.

Before I post about my evening changes to embrace the organ clock and increase yin energy, I will finish off the morning ritual.

Ok, as mentioned a shower spell is a good add in the morning.

I modified @Sivonnah’s Spell
In the shower I say

“I cleanse and release all energies and emotions that no longer serve my highest good. They are washed away down the drain to be transmuted.”

I imagine a purple fire in the drain burning away that which is released.

To end my shower I turn on the cold water and say

“From hot to cold, I am bold. I balance, replenish, and am invigorated. Blessings I accept with gratitude. So mote it be.”

With the cold water I picture either white light or golden light coming from the shower head with the water.


That’s awesome! I love it! :heart:


Between 7 & 9 pm - time of circulation- is is a good time for light reading, meditation, slow movement, tarot reading (my addition ).
Here I am doing yin yoga to get more yin energy to help balance my yang energy.

Jennifer Raye yin yoga set.

Another option is a moon yoga set.

This time frame it may be difficult to express emotions.

Given that i wake up around the anger grief time of the morning (between 1 - 5 am) I have found a spell to help calm anger and one to help with grief. They are both from Llewelyn



The other thought I had was to doodle or paint while thinking of the anger and/or grief. See it pouring onto the paper. When you feel you are done burn the paper along with a dried rose petal (to release with love).