Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions XXVI - L

Woohoo! I finished my book! :clap:

I’ve been slowly reading this book, and while it was a good book I’m glad it’s over :laughing: I hope that makes sense!

Anyway, here’s my simple review and a link to the full review I put up on my blog.

Book Title and Author: Ambrosia’s Book of Witch Flight by Jasmyne Ambrosia

Status? : Finished

My overall rating of the book: 8

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: I am highly interested in spirit work and spirit flight, so a book full of personal gnosis about spirit flight is right up my alley.

My personal thoughts/opinions: Overall, it was a good book. I didn’t go into it expecting much in terms of historical or academic information. There was some, which is great, but most of the book is centered around Jasmyne’s experiences in the Otherworld, the spirits she has met, and different methods and tools to help the seeker with their own flight.

An interesting quote from the book:

“Thirteen witches make the council, however these are no ordinary mortal witches. They are far older than we have words to describe them. Even though they are able to cross into the physical world, none of them were ever human mortals. They are from the otherworld and they serve to protect the veil between the worlds.”

Ambrosia’s Book of Witch Flight (Ch. 12 – The Witch Council)

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes, depending on your practice. Ambrosia’s tradition is neo-traditional and was founded in 2017. While it shares practices with other Trad Witch traditions, it is highly personalized to her practice and her coven.