Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions XXVI - L

I finished Song of the Sparrow earlier this evening. Here is my review :black_cat: :pink_heart: :sparkles:

Status?: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: It doesn’t, but it’s such a nice fantasy book~

My personal thoughts/opinions: This book is an interesting take on Elaine, the Lady of Shalott. She is featured in several stories about King Arthur, and this book about her is written in the form of poetry, in her point of view about her involvement with Arthur founding Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table. In this story, she is a healer for the Briton army led by Arthur, and this story also includes Lancelot and other notable characters from the original King Arthur stories such as Merlin and Arthur’s sister Morgan. Elaine, along with her father and her brothers, have lived with these men and Elaine considers all of them her family. I love this book because I appreciate her role in the story — she is a headstrong, clever and brave young woman. She is willing to risk her own life for her family and isn’t a damsel in distress as I initially feared.

An interesting quote from the book:

My heart sings with admiration and love
for this tiny slip of a woman
who possesses the power to move men
and the forces of a nation.
She holds to the Old Ways,
the way of the Moon Goddess,
and I sense that there
is something magical, majestic about her.

Song of The Sparrow (Page 90, Chapter XI - Elaine’s thoughts on Morgan)

Morning fades
into afternoon
into dusk.
The sun rises
and sets, then a sliver
of a crescent moon
takes her place in the sky.
And I just walk and walk,
following a path left by those
who walked this land before me.

Song of The Sparrow (Page 258, Chapter XXIX)

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Absolutely, especially if you’re a fan of the King Arthur stories