Spells8 Book Club Reviews Masterlist - Sessions XXVI - L

I finished Herbal Magic today! Here is my review on it :pink_heart: :herb:

Status?: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: Plants and herbs are a big part of my practice since I often use them in my spells, rituals, and recipes.

My personal thoughts/opinions: I adore this book! It has information on over 70 plants, suggests ways to use them in your spells, how to care for them, and even includes basic info on certain correspondences such as color which I find useful especially if you tend to forget such things. I appreciate how organized the herbal index section is — every plant is listed in alphabetical order, and has a painted illustration of each one on their respective page. I also enjoy reading about the lore behind each plant, and discovered new ones I never even knew existed! Another thing I like is they make suggestions on how to start your own fairy garden. Useful for those of us who work with the Fae! The only flaw this book has is that there’s some typos here and there, but they’re not a common occurrence and do not affect my views on the book. In fact, they’re barely noticeable. This book shall have a permanent place on my bookshelf. I’ve already marked a number of its pages with sticky index tabs for references :pink_heart: :herb:

An interesting quote from the book:

Born directly from Earth, and having been nurtured by the warmth of the Sun, caress of the breeze, and guiding gaze of the Moon, herbs are one of the most universally powerful elements you can work with. It is the very energies the herbs carry with them that begin to define their magical properties. It is when you combine the energies that lie within you with the herbs’ magical properties that their true power is born.
Herbal Magic: A Handbook of Natural Spells, Charms, and Potions (Amplifying The Power Of Herbs, Page 20)

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Most definitely! This book is a wonderful source of information for plants and their meanings. I recommend this to anyone who dabbles in green witchery and/or utilizes plants in their spellwork :pink_heart: