šŸ“ Spells8 Book Club XXXXIII - Readers' Reviews!

Book Title and Author: The Complete book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly

Status: Finished

My overall rating of the book: 10/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?: My son has been asking so many questions about demons that for Halloween I bought him this then he read a little and said he wanted a Oujia board so I decided I needed to read the book and stalk the Demonolatry thread lol You ladies are fantastic and Ive learned so much Ive been thru this book 3 times and love her style of writing it was very informative Iā€™m wanting to buy more of her books now once I can

My personal thoughts/opinions: I learned so much and found I had fears without realizing why guess movies and church I also enjoyed how she broke up the book with history, prayers, mediation, rites, tools, magick, etc. So much information So much to think about

An interesting quote from the book:
"My experience tells me, and therefore I believe, the demons themselves are an interwoven part of our natural universe. Not only could they realistically be multidimensional, but they could very well transcend the boundaries of time and space and all laws of physics as we know them. "
All in all, would I recommend this book? Yes


Woo! Sounds like you had a wonderful time reading this book and learned quite a bit! :tada:


Book Title and Author:
Yemaya by Raven Morigane
Status? : Still Reading

My overall rating of the book : 10/10 so far

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:
I had a goddess statue demand to be taken home with me from a local witch shop, the card it came with said it was Yemaya. So I decided to find out who she is.

My personal thoughts/opinions:
So far this book is a wealth of information! Going into this and learning Yemaya is an Orisha, i appreciate how much the author has crammed into this book. He also addresses the idea of wiccans and witches working with Yemaya. Saying that its fine to work with her as long as you honor her and understand working with her is a life long commitment. But also saying that the specific religions (i cant remember what they are called off the top of my head) are closed practice.

Iā€™m about half way through the book, i just got to her stories. Or as the author puts it " Story time with Uncle Raven".

An interesting quote from the book: " "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes