Spirit Animals šŸ¦

@Missa, great information! Thank you for sharing! How do you know who is your spirit animal? I read about the wolf and it does describe me pretty good! Always had an obsession with wolves, even as a kid. However, how do you distinguish between admiration of an animal or the actual spirit animal?


Mine is a black bear according to a reading I had done with a Shaman. What is your birthday (month and day is all I need) I have a book from Native American culture on spirit guides which coincides on birthdays I can look it up for you.


Of course! Glad to help. I just explained to @berta about this! Check out this post/reply


What does a cat mean


I donā€™t know that I have an animal that keeps showing up other than my neighborhood bunnies, squirrels, crows, and other birds. @SilverBear would you be able to find my Native American animal? I was born on November 7. I would be interested to find out.


Hello Andrea!

Cats are a wonderful spirit animal to have. There are many resources where you can find out more about their meanings:

Good luck and blessed be! :cat2: :heart:


You were born under the Freeze up Moon (October 24 - Nov 21)
Second Moon of Mudjekeewis and Spirit Keeper of the West
Your animal is a Snake
Plant is a Thistle
Mineral is Copper and Malachite
Color: Orange
Elemental Water - Frog Clan
Characteristics: Vibrant, active, intuitive, mystical, wary and transformative.

Snake people have the ability to bring change to any of the things with which they are involved. While they are usually not very malleable themselves, they can adapt situations around them into whatever shapes they desire. Snake people have high energy running through them at most times, and they have many new ideas about ways in which any situation can be improved. When the snake person is in balance most of their ideas will be sound ones, and one they are fully capable of implementing.

Because snake people are generally attuned to the higher energies around them, once they have purified their own spirits they are capable of helping others with this tasks. Many snake people are natural healers when in balance.

Snake people can also be stubborn, critical, jealous and deceitful and given to times of furious anger, often cuttingly directed toward those who are closest to them. It is important for snake people in this condition to remember that they have all the power they need to bring their energies into a more helpful, pleasant, clear and serving place.

There is a lot more to these totems - but thatā€™s just a sample.


Thank you & I was born under the year of the Snake under the western Zodiac. Itā€™s really interesting & I relate to more than a few things in there about being a Snake Totem. I really appreciate you doing this for me. Thank you again.


You are welcome! I love this book. I resonate with so much under my own totem as well.


Hi @SilverBear could you look up mine? April 3
Thank you!


Budding Trees Moon (March 21 - April 3)
First Moon of Wabun and Spirit Keeper of the East
Animal is Red Hawk
Plant is Dandelion
Mineral is Fire Opal
Color is Yellow
Element is Fire - Thunderbird Clan
Characteristics: Innovative, energetic, optimistic, clear-sighted, feisty and adventurous

Red hawk people can often be found near hot spots or places of pressure either in the literal or figurative sense. Red hawk people like the sun and warmth, and they also like to be in active situations which can utilize their intense mental, physical and emotional energy. They are porous and their spirits can be easily stained if they associate themselves with the wrong ideas or people. They are usually open people, willing to listen to any new ideas or philosophies and sometimes they accept things that later prove harmful for them. When they find themselves in wrong situations or under too much strain they can fracture and lose the life vitality that usually gives them their fire and sparkle.

Red hawk people are often the symbol of hope for any new idea that is struggling to be born. They are catalysts, capable of making an idea into reality. Their connection with the sun and fire is strong. Their connection with the moon and their emotions is more difficult for them to deal with. The fire from the red hawk people come from their emotions.


I know a couple of April 3 people. So nice that one of them is a good friend/family to me. That makes my heart smile today @Rowan


Thank you!


Iā€™ve used to think the cat was my spirit animal, but after remembering that dream that may have been astral projection, I wonder if itā€™s actually the dragon. :dragon:
I did some research and dragons can be seen as guardians of Mother Earth and all living things. There is also a dragon for each of the elements. For example, air dragons can be called on for clarity, insight, creativity, etc.
I may have to meditate on this. Iā€™ve been a huge dragon fan my whole life. Does that mean itā€™s my spirit animal? Or it just because dragons are popular in general? And is it possible to have more than one spirit animal?


Great questions, @Kasandra! A spirit animal is something very personal and unique- hopefully your meditation will help you to unveil and further explore your exciting connection with dragons :dragon: :blush:

As for having multiple spirit animals, there was a discussion about the possibility of having many spiritual animals/spirit animals changing over time a while back. Personally, I think it is absolutely possible for someone to have multiple spirit animals or for your connected animal to change over time :+1:


I feel really connected to the turtle & now I have a collection of blue ones & I have some as charms on my bracelets. I have one from my daughter that rests on my computer screen & we named him Splash. Heā€™s my computer buddy. Then I have a Lapis Lazuli turtle that stays on my altar. I just realized, he doesnā€™t have a name! I also have a blue stuffed turtle named Splish. He hangs out next to my bed. So now I need to name the Lapis Lazuli turtle. Maybe ā€œSplooshā€ :rofl:


Meditation is just one way to do it. The book The Way of the Shaman explores other techniques such as drumming or dancing. Hereā€™s a practical exercise from the book for finding your power animal:


Thanks for the information, @Francisco!
Unfortunately, I donā€™t have any rattles, so maybe I could substitute it with, letā€™s say, a jar of peanuts? :thinking:


I say go for it with the peanut jar! :peanuts: :laughing:

I know you have a hunch that your power animal may be a dragon, Stephanie89- so perhaps you might also consider shaking a jar full of something that feels connected with that presence?

A packet of seeds, a jar of crystals (perhaps air element crystals since you mentioned air dragons in previous post), or even stones in a container- all other options for homemade rattles! :grin:

Wishing you the best of luck with the meditation! Blessed be :sparkles:


I meditated on the matter with my clear quartz for clarity and then drew a tarot card last night, which suggested I shouldnā€™t rush myself into finding my spirit guide. Even if I learn that the dragon isnā€™t my spirit guide, I would still love to include them in my Craft!:dragon: In the articles Iā€™ve read, dragons are seen as guardians of Mother Earth and protectors of all living things. So in essence, theyā€™re kind of like guardian angels for pagans? There is a dragon for every element, and I feel that invoking earth, air, fire, and water dragons in my rituals would help me feel a greater connection to the elements! :seedling::dash::fire::droplet: